Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1915 [Extra] Big Marriage

Chapter 1915 [Extra] Big Marriage

In the end, the leading palace man said: "Anyway, we are only in charge of that little area, as long as no one messes with it, as long as we are lucky, there should be no problems.

We guard the area we are responsible for, otherwise people will touch it randomly, and there should be no trouble. "

"it is good!"

Everyone responded one after another, and they all felt that the leading palace man was right.

The big wedding will start soon, and it's too late to do anything now.Since they have tampered with some small places, as long as they guard the places where they have tampered with and don't allow people to touch them, there will be no big troubles.

But they didn't know that when they thought of this method, other palace people in charge of the main wedding venue also got the news that the one who married the emperor today was not King Gu, but Princess Yunyue.

Hearing this news, I was joyful at first, but the rest is only horror.

Because before they all thought that the emperor was going to marry the Gu king, so in order to disgust them, everyone tried their best to move some hands and feet quietly without being discovered.

But they didn't communicate with each other, everyone was responsible for one place, and each made a prank in one place.

and so……

At noon, the wedding of the Empress of the Demon Realm finally officially began.

This is a beach wedding that all immortals and demons have never seen except Caixia.

There are lavenders as vast as the ocean on this beach, and there are all kinds of style buildings that you have never seen before, and these buildings are all wooden structures.

There are countless self-service food in each wooden house, the high-end ones are like fine nectar transported from the heaven, and the ones that are resisted are all kinds of seafood barbecues. Anyway, there are everything you can eat and drink, and it is very lively.

With the help of Caixia, Chi Yan and Yunyue, one wearing a beautiful white gauze skirt, and the other wearing a large robe with red dark patterns on a black background, came together under the multicolored sunlight.

Behind them, two pink and jade-carved, unbelievably beautiful little fairies, one in black and one in white flowing clothes, followed behind with two small flower baskets and smiling.

Numerous white, pink and red petals fluttered out of the seemingly small bamboo baskets that could fit into rivers, forming a waterfall of petals raining down on the left and right sides of the newlyweds.

A couple of newlyweds slowly flew towards the main venue of the wedding. Just as the couples were about to arrive, two white beams of light descended from the sky in the main venue, and the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother were already sitting on them.

Chi Yan held Yun Yue's hand and fell from the air.

The four eyes meet, and what everyone sees in each other's eyes is the expectation of happiness.

In the sky, a holy golden light shone like a wave. In the golden light, a golden figure appeared in front of the immortals and demons.

"Buddha!" ​​Yun Yue's eyes lit up, and she called out joyfully.

The Buddha is isolated from the outside world, no matter how great the gods are on weekdays, he never participates in the happy event.Buddhist disciples never get involved in these mundane affairs.

But today, the Buddha came to the wedding scene in person.For Yun Yue, there was definitely more than a little surprise.

"Thank you Buddha for saving lives and rebuilding!"

Yun Yue had already told him that after his heart was dug out, it was the Buddha who appeared to help him protect his body.Afterwards, he was reborn with an identical new body using Buddhist secret techniques.

(End of this chapter)

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