Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1933 [Extra] Blessing of the Lord God

Chapter 1933 [Extra] Blessing of the Lord God
Lu Xiaoxiao did this just to find an excuse for herself.

As she said, if there is reincarnation, I hope that I will never be hurt by love and be happy every day.This is the most fundamental reason for her to do so.

Because she is unhappy in heaven, because she can't forget Zhan Xintang.Ordinary people hope that they can become immortals and have an immortal life, but for Lu Xiaoxiao, these are unbearable delays.

Therefore, instead of facing these endless days and being sad for many years, it is better to destroy the celestial root and escape into reincarnation.

Although there is nothing left after many years of practice, you can start again.

He had endured the pain of tearing Yuan Ling apart, and now Lu Xiaoxiao did the same.But she obviously didn't want her Yuan Ling anymore, so she threw it at those judges.

Looking at the extremely transparent blue Yuanling in his hand, a god, the purer his soul, the more transparent the Yuanling.

With such a transparent blue spirit, this Lu Xiaoxiao also has a clear heart!
Nanji sighed: "Forget it, since you don't want to stay in the Heavenly Court anymore, then follow the deity."

A flash of white light flashed, and the Antarctic Immortal took Lu Xiaoxiao's Yuan Ling and disappeared into the Palace of Hades.

In the sky of Antarctica, a new planet has just been born. This is a huge new continent, and it is also the most extensive world that he has opened up and nurtured with his own magic power since he became the God of Heaven.

After separating the world, he found that the aura here was more abundant than he had imagined.

Although the humans in this new continent have just reproduced, but with the aura of this continent, the people here will grow up very quickly.

As the main god of this world, there is no problem in giving his people a happy life.

Antarctica turned into a streamer and came to this new world. He named this continent after himself, the Antarctic Continent.

After entering the continent, Antarctica frowned slightly.Unlike the last time he came, he seemed to faintly feel the fluctuation of an evil force in the New World.

This fluctuation is so small that it is almost negligible.

Started to explore the spiritual consciousness, but found nothing.

Antarctica floated cross-legged in the sky where people couldn't see, holding Lu Xiaoxiao's Yuanling in his hand.

Looking at the transparent Yuan Ling emitting blue light in his hand, Nanji began to perform his own blessing technique——

I hope you have an unforgettable reincarnation in Antarctica, I hope you can forget your sad feelings, I hope you are happy every day, I hope you can have the best luck, and finally, I hope you can find again in this continent Find your love and stay with the one you love forever.After you find true love, fly to heaven with him.

Antarctica is very satisfied with this blessing.

As the main god of this world, his words are more effective than the emperor of heaven and the Buddha.

No matter how this world will change in the future, no matter what Lu Xiaoxiao will encounter in her reincarnation here, her life trajectory will be fulfilled one by one according to his blessing.

After 5000 years of love experience with Fairy Piaoping, he has seen emotions clearly.

If you don't break, you can't stand, if you break, you can stand.Having the opportunity to break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly without pain, forget one relationship, and devote yourself to another relationship, this is definitely not a blasphemy against the previous relationship, but a respect for yourself and your future life.

(End of this chapter)

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