Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1935 [Extra] After the explosion

Chapter 1935 [Extra] After the explosion

According to historical records, during this explosion, very few ancestors who survived saw the scene of the sky falling and the earth sinking in.

The originally incomparably beautiful continent was instantly enveloped by this huge explosion.The sky collapsed, the ground sank, and even the sky and the earth seemed to be turned upside down.

The creatures that have lived here for a long time are completely lost in this big explosion, and countless races perished directly in this explosion.

In this overwhelming explosion and world reversal, at the center of the explosion, a thin invisible space-time rift appeared. A self-destructing holy soul used those eleven forces to open up a space-time rift.

Under the guidance of a burst of white light, the light blue Yuanling, which no one noticed, penetrated into the crack of time and space and entered a dark space storm.

In the space storm, countless sky thunders slashed across the light blue sphere, punishing the intruders of this space with their own anger.

Every time lightning strikes, a holy white light will flash on the light blue sphere.

The ball struggled to swim through the turbulent flow of time and space, and drifted towards the nearest exit.Under the obstruction of the turbulent current, every three steps the ball advances, it will be blown back by the storm for two steps.

As more and more dense lightning strikes, the white light covering the light blue light ball becomes weaker and weaker.

Just when the white light almost disappeared, the blue light ball finally came to an exit.

The last thunder struck, and the white light that had been too faint to be seen suddenly lit up again, pushing the blue light ball out of the turbulent flow of time and space.

And in that turbulent space, a white thread of light, faintly visible, almost negligible, floated in the turbulent flow of time and space like this.

One end of the light is connected to the entrance of the Antarctic Continent, and the other end is connected to the exit of the blue light ball leaving the space of another world.

The thunder calamity of the turbulent flow of time and space slowly stopped, and the entire turbulent space was extremely quiet.It's just that in this space, a link between time and space has been formed...

At the port of the Antarctic continent, a super-powerful explosion caused an extreme distortion in this space-time rift.The sky and the earth collapsed and flipped, and the space-time rift that was originally located in the sky was turned upside down on the ground at this moment.

Seeing that there was still a crack in the ground, it collapsed again at this moment.

The explosion lasted for half a month before it gradually subsided.

The second elder, the most powerful dragon clan, appeared first in the sky.

Although he is a god, the Second Elder was not seriously injured in the explosion.

"The third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the eighth, the ninth, the tenth, the eleventh, the twelveth!" The second elder issued a strong sound wave, calling for the brothers who were blown to pieces them.

"I'm here!"

"I'm here!"

"I'm here!"

"I am also here!"

After a long time, four voices sounded, and with the second elder, there were only five people.

The second elder's heart was slightly cold, and a bad premonition came to his mind.So he quickly spread out his spiritual consciousness, looking for the other six brothers who didn't answer him.

after a long time...

Two of the five elders of the dragon clan were holding two seriously injured and unconscious people in their arms. A total of seven people were floating above the Antarctic continent, silently watching the devastated new continent.

Originally a super large Antarctic sky continent, the sky collapsed and the ground collapsed in this earth-shaking explosion, and the entire continent broke into two layers.

(End of this chapter)

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