Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 245 Jinse Returns to Life

Chapter 245 Jinse Returns to Life
Now is indeed not the time to be in love with children.As long as Murong Xiao remains innocent, as long as her love for him remains unchanged, that's enough.

"Qingyun, you still have to promise daddy in front of Xiao'er that you are not allowed to do those self-abuse things from now on."

"As long as Xiaoer doesn't change his mind, I won't abuse myself."

Murong Qingyu sighed and nodded, "Xiao'er, you heard Qingyun's words. The Murong family will definitely remember the sacrifice you made, and the Murong family will definitely not treat you badly when the event is successful."

"Father doesn't need to say these outlandish words. Since I am the daughter of the Murong family, I will do well what the Murong family asks me to do." After finishing speaking, he glanced at Yunwu Pavilion: "Does Daddy have any other orders?"

Murong Qingyu shook his head, his eyes still revealed a little worry.

Murong smiled and glanced at Yunwu Pavilion, and said: "Since Daddy has given no orders, I'd better go back to Yunwu Pavilion and stay there. Otherwise, the prince's guards will see that I have not gone back to guard him, and when he wakes up, I will wait for him." Gossiping in front of him and saying I'm not virtuous, don't worry about him, that's not good."

Murong Qingyu sighed and said: "You go. Everything in the Prince's Mansion will be left to you."

"Father, please don't worry, Xiao'er will not disappoint Qingyun if she fails anyone."

Murong Xiaoyun's words made Murong Qingyun tremble slightly, and then his eyes were filled with deep affection for Murong Xiao.

Seeing this, Murong Qingyu nodded reassuringly, and said to Murong Yan: "You take Qingyun down to apply the medicine, and then go back to the main hall to wait for the prince."

As soon as he heard that he had the opportunity to personally administer the medicine to Murong Qingyun, Murong Yan's heart was filled with excitement, but his face was as calm as before.


He glanced at Murong with a smile, nodded towards her, gave her a look of "I'll leave Qingyun to you", and then went down with Murong Qingyun.

"Jinse, Qiaose, follow me to the lobby and wait."

"Yes." The two servant girls who had been waiting at the back leaned slightly and followed Murong Qingyu down.

Seeing Murong Xiao leave, Murong Qingyu asked: "What did Xiaoer do in the past few days of getting married?"

Jinse leaned down slightly, and said the speech she had prepared very smoothly.

"Returning to the master, the young lady saw the prince vomit a lot of blood on the wedding day, so she cared about him and said that she would help him recuperate. Originally, the prince didn't care too much about the young lady's words, but the next day the young lady cooked peanuts and lotus seeds for the prince herself. Porridge. The Prince was already very satisfied with the young lady, but now he is even more satisfied.

In the past few days, the young lady messed with the pots and pans when she had nothing to do, and then brought the prepared food into the study herself, and usually waited for the prince to finish his meal before coming out.For the rest of the time, the young lady spends her time exercising in the Prince's Mansion. "

Murong Qingyu nodded in satisfaction, and ordered: "You continue to look at Miss, but don't disturb her doing anything. If she doesn't want to take the two of you with her for something, don't follow her to annoy her, just come back and report the matter." Just do it."

"Yes." Jinse and Qiaose bowed down to accept the order.

"Also, you keep a close watch on her, and if she and Qian Yeming flirt with each other, you have to come back and report it!" Murong Qingyun interjected.

"This..." Jinse looked at Murong Qingyu with some embarrassment.

Murong Qingyu sighed in his heart, and comforted him helplessly: "It's normal for husband and wife to flirt, if Xiao'er and Qianye Minglian don't even have the basic flirtatious,
(End of this chapter)

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