Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 256 Initial Construction of "Gust"

Chapter 256 Initial Construction of "Gust"

Everyone is willing to become stronger, especially after they learn that they cannot protect their master and feel frustrated, this desire to become stronger will be even stronger.

Although she didn't know what Madam wanted this seemingly inconspicuous team to train, she said that even if the four of them couldn't protect her and the Lord, at least this team could.Then, they will join this team and be the leader of this team. One day, with the strength of the team, they will be able to stand in the forest of the strong, protect their master, and fulfill their duties well.

After listening to the four people's answers, Murong Xiao raised his lips in satisfaction and nodded, "Then what are you waiting for? Join the team!"


After the four answered in unison, they quickly entered the team of 500 people.Including Xiao Yimo who was bought with a lot of money, the team has a total of 505 people.

Looking at the team members standing straight in front of her, each of them is over 180 tall, she is very satisfied with their imposing manner.

Glancing at the stunned four servant girls beside him, Murong Xiao ordered: "All of you, let's join the team together!"

The maidservants glanced at each other, thinking they had heard wrong.Is this to let them join this group of men?

"Aren't you clamoring to come out to increase your knowledge? This son will let you increase your knowledge. Although you don't have to stay here all the time like the others, as long as I come here, you must follow along to participate in training. No Those who manage to complete the training will be punished with them!"


The maidservants were still full of energy just now, but after hearing Murong Xiao's words, they became listless in an instant.Although they know martial arts, they have never been in the army, so they really don't like rolling around among such men!
But the young master has already spoken, and they can only obey.If they had known that they would end up like this when they came out, they wouldn't have come out!

After the four servant girls also entered the line and stood up, Murong Xiao began to lecture.

"Welcome everyone to come here and join our team. Starting today, our team will be named Stormwind.

You are not soldiers in the army, you are not the guards who guard the house, and you are not the secret guards who protect the safety of the master.You are the wind, the wind that obeys me alone.

I don't ask much of you, only two.First, complete the tasks I assigned to you, and second, be absolutely loyal to me.can you do it "

"Yes!" The voices of more than 500 people resounded throughout the valley.Although the voice is loud and imposing, everyone has different thoughts in their hearts.

For the team members other than the hidden guards and maidservants, it doesn't matter who they take orders from. They will follow orders from whoever gives them money to support their families.

Murong Xiao knew exactly what these players, who were expressionless and had military literacy at first sight, thought.

"The voices you answered just now were very loud and sonorous, and I am very satisfied. But some of them came from the heart, and I understand.

Although from today onwards, you are a member of Guafeng, but the team of Guailing only needs 200 people in the end.In other words, most of you will be eliminated by me one by one in training.

But don't worry, even if you are eliminated, as long as you stay here for one day, you will be paid for one day.20 taels of silver for a month including food and housing, compared to you doing hard work outside,
(End of this chapter)

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