Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 272 Just want you to sleep a little longer...

Chapter 272 Just want you to sleep a little longer...

Qian Yeming's actions made Murong Xiao secretly happy.Since getting married, although their relationship has reached the point where they can consummate their marriage, Qian Yeming has never surpassed it.Even when they went to bed at night, they hugged each other unconsciously.

In the last life, they became husband and wife only after she was seriously injured and inadvertently poisoned by love.In this life, they had a good relationship from the beginning, but Qian Yeming never took the initiative, which made her feel a little bit disappointed.

But it's a good feeling that he can take the initiative to sleep with her in his arms.For the rest, take your time...

In the warm and familiar smell, Murong Xiao found a position that made her feel particularly comfortable, and soon fell asleep.

At two o'clock, Murong Xiao suddenly woke up.

Opening his eyes, Qianyeming was staring at her without blinking.

"What time is it?" Murong Xiao asked with a bad feeling.

"It's not long after the child's hour."

"Why didn't you call me?" Murong Xiao blamed Qian Yeming, jumped up suddenly, and quickly ran to the side to take out the prepared silver needle.

Seeing that Murong Xiao was angry, Qian Yeming was already ready to speak, and explained weakly and pitifully: "Didn't you say that it can be after midnight? Anyway, it has not passed yet."

"It will be too late, and the effect will not be so good!" Murong Xiao still said angrily.

"I just want you to rest a little longer...are you mad at me?"

Murong Xiao still wanted to say something, but seeing Qian Yeming's aggrieved look after being yelled at by her, the softest part of his heart melted into a puddle of water again.

"Forget it, I won't be angry with you anymore, it's okay, there's still time, but I have to go faster." Having said that, Murong Xiao was depressed to death.If she didn't wake up suddenly, once the time passed, the effect would be worse.

Glancing at the innocent man lying on the bed, she decided in her heart that she would never rely on him for such things in the future.fraud!
Seeing Murong Xiao busy quickly administering the needle for him, a smile flashed in the depths of Qian Yeming's apologetic eyes.

He knew that no matter what he did wrong or how unreasonable it was, as long as he pretended to be pitiful, he would win.

And he really can't be blamed for this matter. He originally planned to call her when he arrived, but seeing her sleeping so deeply, he couldn't bear it.So she dragged on and on until she woke up suddenly.

The moon is gradually sinking in the thick dark clouds, and when the sky is about to dawn, another autumn rain falls.

Qian Yeming lit Murong Xiao's sleeping point, put on the court clothes, and ordered the servant girl to wake up the princess after two hours, and then went to the court alone.

It wasn't until the second quarter of the hour that the servant girl woke up the sleeping Murong Xiao, dressed up slowly, and then got into the carriage of the Prince's Mansion and headed towards the palace.

Although Qian Yeming was waiting for her, she was really too lazy to talk to the queen, so she went as late as possible.

It was almost noon when we arrived at Fengyi Palace.Led by the palace maid, Murong Xiao came to a relatively large pavilion in the imperial garden, where the empress was talking to Murong Qingyun with a smile and soft eyes.

Seeing that Murong Xiao came only now, the queen's eyes flashed a trace of deep dissatisfaction, but after seeing the almost unconcealable love in Murong Qingyun's eyes, she could only restrain her dissatisfaction and said with a smile: "Xiaoer , why come now?

(End of this chapter)

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