Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 283 The Emperor's Wishful Thinking

Chapter 283 The Emperor's Wishful Thinking

He has nothing to do with him, so he suspects that even the prince is not his child.

"Your Majesty, are you sure you really want to do this? Are you sure you won't regret it after you do it?" The Queen's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a bloody look in her eyes.

The emperor's heart sank, and the empress' tone and countenance revealed a murderous aura of killing everything.However, at this moment, their fate is under his control. If Murong Qingyun is indeed the Queen's son after a bloody confession, then this is deceiving the emperor. to his head.Then why did this woman dare to show such murderous aura to him?
Qian Yeying is a suspicious and life-threatening person, the queen's expression made him wonder if he has something in her hands.Once he really recognizes his relatives with a drop of blood, will this woman die with him?
For a while, the emperor began to be in a dilemma.

"Mother, isn't it just a drop of blood to admit your relatives? You don't do anything wrong on weekdays, and you are not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night. Since the father has already become suspicious under the instigation of someone with a heart, if the mother does not let the father and everyone here see clearly I'm afraid that tomorrow, the whole capital will pass on rumors that the mother will wear a green hat to the father and have children with others outside.

What's more, maybe it will be rumored that the prince is my father's son, and you want to usurp the imperial power secretly.

Queen Mother, you are the lofty mother of the country, and a holy saint of the religion, and your son is the prince. If someone criticizes you, the reputation of you and your highness will be ruined.That being the case, why didn't the queen mother let the emperor and others have a look?

Although you feel that others have insulted you and the prince, compared to being humiliated, clarifying your innocence is the most important thing, isn't it?

As for how to deal with the provocateurs after confessing their relatives with a drop of blood, the royal father must have a good idea, and he will never wrong the queen for the sake of wronging the mother.Father, are you right? "

While talking, Murong Xiao supported the queen, and squeezed his hands slightly to show peace of mind.After receiving Murong Xiao's message, the Queen's heart suddenly felt at ease, she believed that Murong Xiao would not harm Qingyun.Because it doesn't do her any good.

"That's right, if it turns out that the crown prince is my child after a drop of blood, I will definitely deal with the instigator."

Emperor Dezheng's words made the imperial concubine's heart sink, she lost confidence in Murong Xiao's words in what was a sure thing.But this is an excellent opportunity to get rid of the prince and the Murong family, even if she might be punished afterwards, she will not give up this opportunity.

"Since everyone agrees, come here, bring four empty bowls."

Seeing Emperor Dezheng's order, Murong Xiao shook his head slightly.Recognizing relatives by dripping blood was originally an extremely stupid way.The same blood type can be compatible even if they are not relatives, but different blood types cannot be compatible even if they are relatives.Therefore, it is a mistake to recognize relatives by dripping blood.

Four empty bowls were served, and the emperor poured a drop of his own blood into two of the bowls first, then looked at the queen and said, "Queen, it's your turn."

The queen took a deep breath, and under Murong Xiao's suggestion, dripped her own blood into the remaining two bowls.

"Father, since you suspect that the prince is not your child, let the prince come for a blood test first.

(Updated on August 9th)
There are no weekends, no holidays, and I have to sit in front of the computer for five hours every day to code words. This is the hard life of a handicapped author!Tomorrow is National Day, 7 days off. Girls, since you are all on holiday and Atom is still struggling to code, let’s reward a few free tickets!All right!
(End of this chapter)

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