Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 297 Ants on a Hot Pot: Ye Ze!

Chapter 297 Ants on a Hot Pot: Qianyeze!

Accompanied by drops of sweat and roars, this bedroom has become extremely ambiguous and charming.

Accompanied by the last roar of extreme satisfaction, the blackness that had lingered between the emperor's brows disappeared instantly, and the emperor's face once again regained its ruddy luster...

*******************Hand in hand******************
Although Murong Qingyu was very dissatisfied that Murong Qingyun entered the palace and was detained by the emperor for a blood test, but because there was no danger, and the emperor immediately compensated after the incident, Murong Qingyu was officially canonized in front of civil and military officials. Zhennan King, Murong Qingyun is the son of Zhennan King, and finally calmed down Murong Qingyu's anger.

In the hundred years since the founding of South Vietnam, the three imperial powers have gone through bloody storms, and the people who can finally sit on the throne are all stepping on the heads of their brothers, so there is no prince in the country, let alone a prince.

Therefore, the King of Zhennan can be said to be the first prince since the founding of Nanyue, and he is also a king with a different surname. His honor can be imagined.

Originally, many ministers who waited and watched thought that even if the emperor endured it, he would not be able to bear it for long, and would soon attack the Grand Marshal's Mansion.But after waiting for a long time, a public blood test happened yesterday, and it turned out that the emperor thought that the empress and the marshal gave him a green hat for a long time.

Now that the misunderstanding is clarified, the emperor granted Murong Qingyu the title of Zhennan King, and the princess was also the crown princess. In addition, the court not only sealed the Zhennan king that morning, but also cast the suspicion of assassinating the prince on Li Wang, who everyone is optimistic about. For a moment, the situation in the entire court changed, and the direction of the wind suddenly changed.

Because the prince is weak and sick, and the generalissimo has great achievements, King Li has always been the one who is most likely to ascend the throne among the several princes.

However, once the emperor personally announced the assassination of the crown prince in the early court, and he also asked Li Wang's mansion to prove it himself, otherwise he would have to take Li Wang's sword, so Li Wang's status instantly changed from being as stable as Mount Tai to being precarious.

In order to prove his innocence, King Li used all his manpower and material resources to investigate the people behind the scenes, and his hatred was transferred from the prince to the person who framed him.

Of course, the first object that King Li suspected was the third-year-old Yechen and the fifth-year-old Yeli, who were only a half lower than him and who liked to sit on the mountain and watch tigers fight, watching him and the prince fight to the death, but they were both right and left. .

The two brothers were born to the noble concubine Ye Liuyan, and their uncle Ye Lixuan, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, was also a well-known greedy man. night dust.

Li Wang Qianyeyao was accused of plotting to assassinate the prince. Cheng Wang Qianyechen and Lao Wuqian Yeli, who had not yet been crowned king, became Li Wang's first suspects, and they were forced to have a hard time.

Because Prince Rui Qianyeze was the real murderer, he originally thought that this matter would not be pursued any longer, but unexpectedly, he was brought up again.At this time, if it is directly handed over to the Clan Mansion to deal with it, maybe he is not so afraid, but now besides the Clan Mansion, within a month, King Li can also mobilize his own forces to find the real culprit. It's hard to be safe.

Several times Prince Rui's side concubine wanted to come over in the name of meeting her sister at the Prince's mansion, but they all refused on the grounds that the Crown Princess was not there, or that the Prince was unwell and the Crown Princess was taking care of her.

Finally, Prince Rui, who couldn't hold back anymore, posted greetings to the Prince's Mansion, explaining that he would come to visit the Prince today.

(End of this chapter)

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