Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 304 Brother Emperor, I Was Wrong!

Chapter 304 Brother Emperor, I Was Wrong!


Following the shattering sound of the teacup in Murong Xue's hand, Qian Yeze also sat down on the ground.

Xi Niang is not dead!She really didn't die!

"Do you think that Xi Niang will be able to commit suicide by applying poison to her teeth? Do you think that she is your dead man, so we can't make her speak?" Murong asked with a smile.

Her smile was very beautiful, but in the eyes of Qianyeze and Murong Xue at this moment, she looked like a rose poisoned with poison, and she would die if she was infected.

"Fourth sister, tell me... If dad knew that after you married Prince Rui, he sold all the affairs of the Marshal's Mansion and the affairs of our sisters to Prince Rui, and even joined forces with Prince Rui to do such a treacherous thing, how would daddy deal with it? you?"

"Big sister!" Murong Xue yelled and knelt on the ground, her big eyes were full of surprise.

She really never thought that Murong Xiao would dare to mention the matter of their sisters in front of Qian Yeming.From this point of view, Murong Xiao also betrayed the Marshal's Mansion.

Although she had an idea in her heart to blackmail Murong Xiao, she still didn't have the guts to face this woman head-on unless it was absolutely necessary.

So I could only crawl to Murong Xiao's side and beg for mercy in horror: "Sister, I don't know about this matter, I really don't know about it! Since you and His Royal Highness didn't tell your father and the emperor about this before, then you must have other plans .

Big sister, Xueer, please, let us go.From now on, His Highness Prince Rui and I will only follow His Highness the Crown Prince and Eldest Sister. If you say one thing, we will definitely not say two things. "

Although Murong Xue is young, she is not the real Miss Qianjin after all, but a person who desperately crawled out of the pile of bones. His mentality and survival ability are definitely not comparable to that of Qianye Ze who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth.

She knew that if the matter of assassinating the prince and blaming King Li was confirmed, Qianyeze would no longer be the prince, and it would be hard to say whether a prince with such a low status would be able to save his life.

As for her, even if the emperor doesn't execute her, once Murong Qingyu knows that she and Qianyeze have teamed up to destroy the good thing about His Royal Highness's ascension to the throne, she won't even think about taking the antidote.

Once there is no antidote, she would rather die.

Facing Murong Xue's quicker confession than him, Qianyeze was taken aback for a moment, and immediately followed Murong Xue's example.

Although I still feel a pity in my heart, comparing the throne with life-saving, for a prince like him who was born far away from the throne, the throne is definitely not as important as life-saving.

Qianyeze sat up from the ground and knelt in front of Qianyeming: "Brother Huang, I was wrong, I was really wrong! I was confused for a moment, and that's why I did such a damn thing. Please look at it, Brother Huang!" For the sake of our good relationship since we were young, please spare me! Brother Huang, as long as you can let me go, Brother Huang's orders from now on will be imperial edicts."

Thinking of Qianyeming not handing over Xi Niang up to now, but pushing the matter on Qianyeyao, he knows exactly what Qianyeming wants to do.

"Brother Huang, as long as you can spare me this time, I will belong to Brother Huang from now on. You can use this opportunity to bring down Big Brother, can't you?"

Qian Yeming took the teapot and helped Murong Xiao pour tea into Murong Xiao's cup again, and said: "If this king hadn't seen that he has a good relationship with you, he would have handed over the bride to the clan's residence on the second day of the wedding."

"Thank you big brother! Thank you big brother!"

Qian Yeming's words obviously meant that he was going to let him go, sure that he had saved his life, Qian Yeze kowtowed vigorously to thank him.

(End of this chapter)

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