Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 306 You Get It!

Chapter 306 You Get It!
Looking at Murong Xue who was prostrate at her feet with snot and tears, Murong smiled and helped her up.

Standing up, Murong Xue already had a ray of hope in Murong Xue's eyes, when she felt that Murong Xiao had forgiven her betrayal and was not allowed to tell the truth, but she heard the other party say calmly: "The cup of tea you drank just now has poison in it."


Just when Murong Xue was in a daze, thinking that she had heard it wrong, Murong Xiao continued to say indifferently: "You can tell His Highness Prince Rui by the way later, in order for him to find out later that the Emperor actually did not attach importance to the Crown Prince and did not pursue the assassination The crown prince turned his back on what he said, and he was unwilling to stand behind the prince to help him, so today I poured a unique and secret medicine into the tea you drink."

"You..." Murong Xue almost didn't want to believe her ears.

Although Murong Xiao's words were very cryptic, but... But how did she vaguely hear her sincere intention to protect the prince?

In the consciousness of her and all the sisters, Murong Xiao was someone Murong Qingyu valued, she was the woman Murong Qingyun admired, would she be willing to abandon Murong Qingyun and fight against the Murong Mansion for the sake of a sick and weak prince who was dying soon?
Just when Murong Xue looked at Murong Xiao in amazement and didn't know how to react, Murong Xiao took out a brocade box from his sleeve and handed it to her.

When I opened it, it was a round and full pill.

She looked at Murong Xiao suspiciously again, of course she would not foolishly think that Murong Xiao had poisoned her, and now he detoxified her.

"This is the antidote that Murong Qingyu planted in our body. If you take this antidote, you will be able to leave the Zhennan Palace completely. From then on, you will no longer be threatened by Murong Qingyu."

Murong Xiao's words shocked Murong Xue.

If the antidote was real, it would be what she dreamed of.But at this moment, although she got what she dreamed of and left the wolf den, she was snatched away by a tiger, which made her unable to be happy no matter what.

"Why?" Murong Xue asked.

"I thought you understood."

Murong Xue shook her head and said, "I don't understand. Aren't you and Murong Qingyun inseparable from each other? What do you mean by giving me such an antidote and immediately poisoning me?"

"You don't need to worry about what happened to Murong Qingyun and I, I will give you the antidote to give you and Prince Rui a real chance.

We grew up together in a secret room since we were young, so you must not simply think that after Murong Qingyu became what he called a big deal, he can really keep killers like you and me, right?

To tell you the truth, if I hadn't been proficient in poisons, the poison Murong Qingyu planted for us and the antidote for the so-called temporary suppression poison given to us now are actually the same thing. "

Murong Xue was startled: "What do you mean?"

"He put us on this drug when we were very young and made us dependent on this drug. If this drug is taken for a long time, especially if there is enough drug for a long time, it will not affect our body. produce any noticeable side effects.

But once the drug is stopped, the side effects of this drug will appear.I don't need to tell you about the results that appear, you know it well.

We used to take medicine once a month, but now it is changed to once a month, not because he has an antidote, but because he has increased the dosage of the medicine, which prolongs the attack time.

The medicine that everyone is taking once every three months,
(End of this chapter)

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