Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 461 Robbery Bandits

Chapter 461 Robbery Bandits
All 500 people joined the Gale, what kind of concept is this? !
"Please tell me, my lord!"

The voices of the team members, who were looking like they were dying just now, suddenly became extremely loud, even worse than the voices of the team members who were ordered to go to the forest for survival training two months ago.

Their son really knows how to challenge and break through their limits, not only the limits of the body, but also the aspects of survival, hunger and sleep.

Not enough. They all know that after successfully passing one limit after another, after experiencing the test of life again and again, in the future, they will become extremely powerful. Their team is definitely enough to become the decisive victory that the young master said before. Yu Qianli, a sharp sword inserted into the enemy's abdomen!
Looking at the thin but strong bodies, Murong Xiao's blood was also boiling.

"First cancel all the burdens on your body, starting today, you don't have to carry heavy burdens to do things."

When the team members heard it, their eyes brightened instantly.You must know that the biggest reason why they were so embarrassed by those wild beasts in the primeval forest was that no matter how difficult the conditions were, they had to carry heavy loads to defeat the enemy.

Even in the most tragic situation at that time, when faced with the possible death of countless people, they never took off the 40-jin sandbags tied to their arms and calves.

At this moment, they finally heard the order to unload the sandbags, and at the same time they were extremely relaxed, a touch of reluctance flashed in everyone's eyes.

These sandbags accompanied their growth every step of the way and witnessed their every pain. They had long been fused with their flesh and blood and became a part of their bodies.

Seeing that everyone was reluctant to part with the sandbags, Murong smiled and said: "However, after you have completed the third test and officially become members of the Storm team, you still have to tie these sandbags every time you train, so you can't be lazy."

"Yes!" Training with sandbags is something they are used to. Without sandbags, they still don't know how to train.

"Your third test is to sweep all the cottages and bandit dens within 300 miles of the capital and its surroundings, smash their sites, and take away the gold, silver and jewels they robbed.

Those who surrendered were ordered to be good, those who did not surrender were killed directly, and those who were fierce and surrendered could be taken back to your team.Also, [-]% of the gold and silver treasures confiscated this time will belong to you personally. "

Murong Xiao's words made everyone's eyes widen instantly, as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

Not to mention how exciting the reality show of this actual combat test is, just the last sentence, that [-]% of the gold, silver and treasures confiscated will belong to them privately, completely froze all the team members.

Even the four hidden guards, who had always had enough to eat and wear, stared wide-eyed.

[-]%?What concept is this?
They only know that all the bandit dens are fat and oily places. No matter how hard your people's life is, no matter how hard your court is to make ends meet, the bandit dens are places that are equated with gold and silver treasures.

And all the bandit dens within a 300-mile radius of the capital... at least forty or fifty.South Vietnam is a place where bandits are extremely rampant due to the numerous natural barriers. The capital city, because of the virgin forest as a barrier to escape, is the most bandit in the mainland of Kyushu.

If they could wipe out all forty or fifty bandit dens and seize their gold and silver, what a fortune it would be!
(End of this chapter)

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