Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 467 Ready to leave!

Chapter 467 Ready to leave!

In my heart, Amitabha kept begging the Bodhisattva to forgive her for lying, and bless her father and mother with a long life.

But in the eyes of Boss Long, he felt that this was perfectly normal for a person like Liu Xu, and it was entirely his actions.Looking at the new daughter-in-law who lowered her head and cried, the male hormones were secreted instantly, and she said with a fever in her head:
"Since you are about to become Mrs. Yazhai of my Boss Long, your revenge is mine. It is right to avenge my father-in-law, mother-in-law and sister-in-law! You just wait here and see for yourself. How can I kill him for you!"

After all, Boss Long strode away, but instead of walking towards the guest seats, he walked towards the backyard.

"Miss, you are really amazing!" The two little maids completely forgot where they were after watching their lady's jaw-dropping performance. Once Boss Long left, they cheered happily.

Pei Mengting glanced at these two, "What's the use of a stick? If you can't escape, Miss, I'll just be Mrs. Yazhai here!"

When the maids heard this, their little faces immediately collapsed.

"Hurry up and change the clothes of these people on your body. We will take advantage of their fight and escape later."

"Yes, miss!"

After the words fell, the three master and servant began to quickly change their clothes.Although these dead bandits are disgusting, but in order to escape from the stronghold, they can't control so much.

It's just that they didn't pay attention at all. What they said and what they did had already fallen into the eyes of another person.A smile flashed in the man's eyes, and he disappeared into the night again.

The guests waited for a long time for Boss Long to return, and they all began to speculate whether Boss Long was reluctant to let his new wife come out to meet people, and some people guessed that Boss Long couldn't control himself and was going to go out to meet people after the bridal chamber.

While there were divergent opinions, they heard the sound of fighting behind them.

Everyone stood up in shock, not understanding where the fight started at this moment.Seeing his people entering into chaos, Boss Liu realized that he was attacked.

"Who? How dare you go to Julongzhai to trouble me, Boss Liu?"

What Boss Long was waiting for was now. After Boss Liu and his people gathered together, he slowly walked out of the woods beside him.

If everyone didn't know what was going on just now, they would know now looking at the posture.It seems that Boss Long is going to fight with Boss Liu today.

In order to prevent being affected, the elders of each family and village huddled together with their brothers one after another, watching the changes.

"Boss Long, what do you mean by this? If you have something to say, talk about it. If you don't want to bring the bride out, we don't want to see it. This is not the way to treat guests!"

Although he had long been displeased with Boss Long on weekdays and wanted to replace him, but after all, he is now a guest in Julongzhai, and he doesn't have enough people around him.Although he had ambushed a few at the foot of the mountain, he was not sure that he would be able to get out of the nest in Julongzhai.Looking at the situation in front of him, his expression changed instantly.

"Hosting guests? Hmph! Today is my happy day, and I am not happy to treat you as a guest." Boss Long had a ferocious expression on his face as he spoke.

"So, getting married is fake, but wanting my life, Liu Xu, is real?"

Seeing Boss Liu's appearance without knowing it, Boss Long sneered and said:
(July 11)
(End of this chapter)

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