Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 469: A master fights, don't let your mind wander!

Chapter 469: A master fights, don't let your mind wander!
There were so many people in Julongzhai, in order to escape for their lives, all the guests at the wedding banquet had to join the battle and fought together with the people in Julongzhai.

Everything is so well-founded, and everything is so sudden and weird.

"Miss, what's the situation?" The three women who followed their own lady and planned to escape quietly when Boss Long and Boss Liu were fighting, were stunned by the chaos in front of them, stood aside and blinked their eyes, expressing their troubles. Not sure about the situation.

Pei Mengting blinked her eyes and looked at it for a long time, and finally said clearly: "It seems that the sixth wave of people wants to fish in troubled waters to disrupt this place. We are so lucky! What are you doing in a daze, let's go!"

"Miss, who are the five waves in front?" the maid asked puzzled.

"Stupid! Didn't you see that the four villages are independent and have a bad relationship? The fifth wave is the bandits who are left neutral. I don't know who the sixth wave is, but they used all of them anyway. Don't say it, take advantage of it." Run around!"

Pei Mengting and the two maids each carried a black bundle and ran down the mountain while taking advantage of the chaos.

"Want to leave? No way!"

Not long after stepping out of the wedding hall, the three met three bandits due to bad luck.Those bandits were already pissed to death by Julongzhai at this moment, when they saw the clothes of the young men in Julongzhai, they raised their swords and shouted to kill them without saying a word.

"Ah——" The two servant girls only had the martial arts of a three-legged cat, and had no actual combat experience. Seeing the sword that greeted them, they screamed in fright.

The two bandits were slightly taken aback when they heard the woman's voice.The two maids almost didn't even think about it. While screaming, they pulled out the stolen dagger and directly plunged it into the bandit's chest.

The other bandit who confronted Pei Mengting was also slightly taken aback by this weird picture, and the next moment Pei Mengting had inserted his eyes, and while he was covering his eyes, two maids took advantage of the situation and killed him.

Holding the dagger in her hand, Pei Mengting taught her two maids in an old-fashioned way: "A master is fighting, don't lose your mind! Because the moment you lose your mind, you can be killed by your enemy. You two remember!"

"Yes! I remember it!" The two servant girls looked at their young lady with admiration in their eyes.The lady of their family said so amazingly!

When Xiao Yimo came to Xitang to rescue the three women, what he saw was such a scene that made people laugh.

Is inserting eyes considered a master move?
For this little girl who was in a catastrophe and was in the mood to educate her maid, even though he was usually serious, he couldn't help but raise his lips.

Since they were fine, he didn't bother.

Xiao Yimo turned around and joined the battle on the side.

The leaders of all the cottages and bandit dens within a radius of a hundred miles, as well as the bandits with slightly higher status, are all concentrated here. As long as they are eliminated, it is equivalent to eliminating the forces within a radius of a hundred miles.Such a good opportunity, of course, the wind will not miss it.

After figuring out the relationship between the four major cottages, he took advantage of this little girl's plan to alienate everyone.While they were killing each other, they blocked the way down the mountain.Today, not even a fly can fly out.

At this moment, Boss Liu was dead, and Boss Long, Boss Li and Boss Fan who were seriously injured remained.The three of them stopped almost at the same time, watching the scene of serious loss of control, only then realized that something was wrong.

"Stop, stop for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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