Chapter 503

It felt like swallowing a smile in one gulp.Nimei's!Are all the women in the Northern Wei Dynasty really ugly like that?At any rate, the two princes looked like they had never seen a woman after seeing his smile.

Qian Yeming, who was extremely depressed and on full alert, suddenly felt another gaze.

Just now he concentrated all his senses on Bailihan's body, completely ignoring the other deep gaze from behind him. Now that he recovered from the extreme depression, he saw the servant behind Bailihan After seeing his smiling face in a daze, Qian Yeming once again fell into a deeper level of depression.

Nima!Even the servants wanted to play tricks on him!

Feeling the increasingly intense cold air in the hall, especially when she felt that the vinegar jar in her house had been completely overturned, Murong Xiao coughed twice, breaking the cold air that had almost frozen her.

Finally, Bailihan came back to his senses amid Murong Xiao's coughing, and the servant behind him also came back to his senses at the same time, his eyes flickered, and he quickly lowered his head.

"Prince Qianye, Crown Princess!"

Realizing that he had just seen Murong Xiao's gaffe, Bai Lihan stood up from his seat, cupped his fists at Qian Yeming and Murong Xiao in salute.

If he had just entered the door and found out that this time the dry prince Bailihan personally came to deliver the antidote to him, even if he came here with other motives, he would treat him with kindness.However, after Bailihan and his servant's gaffe just now, Qianyeming was extremely depressed, and instantly decided not to show good looks to the dry prince.

Dare to hit his wife's idea!Even if he has the antidote in his hand, he will never compromise with his smile.

After raising his hand to signal Bailihan to sit down and talk, Qian Yeming put his arms around Murong Xiao, showing his sovereignty, came to sit in front of the main seat, picked up a cup of tea that had already been brewed, and brushed away the few leaves floating on it. Taking a piece of quiet tea, he asked in a cold voice: "Prince Gan is here to deliver medicine to the king, right?" So you must be asking for something from the king.Since you have something to ask for from this king, you dare to make this king so blatantly unhappy, isn't it courting death?
Seeing that Qian Yeming's attitude was obviously not good, Bailihan's eyes flashed coldly, and he, who was originally unhappy, was even more unhappy now.Returning to the ice sculpture state again, he bluntly said in a tone colder than Qian Yeming: "Of course not! Who do you think you are? Is it worth the king's special trip?"

Bailihan's outspoken attitude almost choked Qian Yeming who was drinking tea.

Looking angrily at Bailihan who didn't catch him at all, Qianyeming cursed in his heart: The two brothers of the Baili family have something wrong with them, right?Since you look down on him so much, reject him so much, and don't ask him to do things if you have the ability, don't give him an antidote!He has to come to deliver medicines to him and show him face. Do you really think that as long as they don't give the snow lotus, he won't be able to snatch it?
He ran to his house with the antidote, did not show any sign of being a guest, and even made his mouth smell like this, Qian Yeming wanted to throw a handful of firewood on him, and burn this iceberg of him.

Facing Bailihan's very straightforward and clear hostility, even Qian Yeming, who had seen all kinds of dark things, didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

He thinks he didn't offend this dry prince who is known for being cold-blooded and ruthless!
(End of this chapter)

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