Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 516 Ye Chen Goes Crazy

Chapter 516 Qianye Chen Goes Crazy

The doctor walked into the hall tremblingly. This hall was originally the largest living room in Cheng Wang's mansion, which could accommodate nearly a hundred people.Now there is only Cheng Wang in the high position here, and... and the lights haven't been lit yet!Not a single lamp was lit!
From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the man sitting on the high seat. He was wearing a black robe that blended with the night, and he was sitting there with disheveled hair. His gloomy, almost man-eating eyes were full of cruelty.

The doctor shuddered, and quickly put away his gaze, never to look at it again.

Because the master looked like that, no different from a ghost, and even scarier than a ghost!

Suddenly, a soft thing was stepped on under his feet, and the doctor was shocked, and at the same time, the thing under his feet let out a terrified scream.An oversized rat ran away despondently after being stepped on.

After calming down, the doctor was glad that he didn't scream out of fear just now.Seeing the figure of the mouse getting into the darkness, he suddenly envied the mouse.At least the mice don't have to give the devil medicine!
"Your Highness, it's time for you to drink your medicine!"

The doctor tremblingly stepped up the steps, came under the main seat, lowered his head and delivered the medicine to Qianyechen.

He hoped that King Cheng would yell "Get out" so that he could get out.He could even bear King Cheng kicking him, so that he could not come and deliver medicine during this period of time.

But things backfired, the medicine was handed over for a long time but no one paid attention to him.

He bowed his body, raised his hands up, and waited for a while, but no one in the high position moved at all.As time passed, the sweat on the doctor's face and body had turned into water and dripped down.Jiujiu's raised hand also began to tremble uncontrollably, and even the bowls and plates inside began to make a knocking sound when shaking.

"Report!" Outside the hall, the secret guards of the Prince Cheng's Mansion came to report.

"Say." A deep and gloomy voice sounded from above the doctor's head.

"Those bandits couldn't stand the torture, and they were all killed. But all of them only had the previous statement. They didn't know who had done it two months ago and wiped out all the bandit dens in a radius of three hundred miles. Get robbed.

The subordinates asked them what kind of people they were, and they also described them, but there was no such person in the capital.Not only them, even the subordinates have never heard of such a powerful team.So... so the bandits call this gang the Super Bandits. "

When the hidden guard was reporting, the doctor secretly complained, blaming the dark guard for not coming sooner or later, and reporting these things that made people vomit blood when he delivered the medicine.

He reported outside the hall, but it was hard for his old man.

At this moment, he could almost feel King Cheng trembling with anger.It seems that vomiting blood is inevitable.

The doctor was sighing, when suddenly, the plate and medicine bowl in his hand flew out.Before the soul came back, he only felt a sharp pain in his neck, followed by difficulty in breathing.

The doctor stared wide-eyed in horror at Cheng Wang, who had a heart attack due to severe suffocation, and vomited blood many times, causing his eyeballs to bulge.

Where does he still have a little bit of handsomeness at this moment?Totally like a life-threatening Shura from hell.

"Forgive...forgive me! Your Highness..." The doctor was terrified and wanted to speak, but after squeezing for a long time, he could only utter a few words.

"Forgive me? You are not good at doing things. This king forgives you.

(End of this chapter)

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