Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 536 Die obediently!

Chapter 536 Die obediently!

But it was enough for the two women to see this shocking appearance clearly.

"That's right. Fang'er, I love you!" After finishing speaking, You slowly moved his lips to the woman's neck.

The woman's expression has long since changed from panic at the beginning to infatuation later on. Not only is she not afraid of You who is getting closer to her neck, but she hopes that he will get closer and closer to her.

Suddenly, the woman's neck felt cold, followed by boundless pain.

The extreme pain caused the girl's lost mind to return to her body, and panic and despair rose again in her eyes.She could feel Death reaching out to her.

At the same time as the boundless pain hit, the girl's blood began to drain rapidly, and her complexion began to turn from red to white, and finally to black.

You, who was sucking blood to his heart's content, had bug-like things faintly squirming in his blue cheeks covered by the hair, if not blocked by the hair, he would be able to see clearly under his blue face, at this moment it was like magma bubbling Like one after another.

When the body of the woman whose blood had been sucked turned completely black, You gently put the woman down and slowly walked to another woman.

It wasn't until the lives of the two women were completely gone that You's bubbling and wriggling face gradually calmed down.

Looking at the two dead women in the carriage, You's eyes were full of sadness.

Taking out a piece of blood-red jade pendant from his bosom, You whispered: "Miss..."

The motorcade of the Xiliang imperial family slowly came to the gate of the palace. After showing the diskette, the officials of the Ministry of Rites shouted loudly: "The envoys and business groups of the Xiliang Kingdom have arrived—"

"Here, Grand Marshal Murong Qingyu of South Vietnam welcomes the Dayan clan of Xiliang, the Prince of Xiliang, King Yue, Princess Chaoyang, Princess Lingyang, and Princess Lingyue. The gate of the palace has arrived, and all honored guests are welcome to move their mounts." Murong Qingyu went forward to greet Mo Yunfang and others, and asked them to move to the sedan chair and mount specially prepared for guests in Nanyue Kingdom.

There are too many people entering the palace today. In order to prevent some envoys and business groups with ulterior motives from causing murder, all envoys and business groups are not allowed to enter with their own mounts and sedan chairs.And the accompanying guards shall not exceed 10 people.

These are the rules of previous chambers of commerce, known to all countries.

But after Murong Qingyu's words fell, there was no movement in the sedan chair.Murong Qingyu frowned slightly, and repeated what he said just now.

For a long time, there was still no movement inside.

Even Murong Qingyu, who likes to save face on weekdays, also changed his face at this moment.He clenched his fists tightly, and was about to say it for the third time, but was grabbed by Murong Qingyun at the side.

"Father, the people in this sedan chair are probably deaf. Why don't you write down what you just said to them! The majestic Xiliang royal family should be able to read two characters in the sedan chair."

After Murong Qingyun's words fell, a smile appeared on Murong Qingyu's face.Immediately said: "Qingyun is right, immediately ask someone to write a few large characters for the envoys."

Originally, Mo Yunfang wanted to give Murong Qingyu and Murong Qingyun a disgrace, so as to comfort her family's Ya'er who was humiliated by Murong Qingyun last time, but who knew that Murong Qingyun dared to mock her Xiliang in front of her face.

A little Nanyue dared to satirize Xiliang, which made Mo Yunfang furious but couldn't find an outlet for a while.

Outside, Murong Qingyu had already got someone from the Ministry of Rites to write very quickly. If she didn't speak again,
(End of this chapter)

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