Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 545 The eyes are poisonous

Chapter 545 The eyes are poisonous
After hearing this, Murong Xiao felt joyful in his heart.If her current focus was not on them at all, she would definitely hurry up and make them die.

Calculating the time, half a year has passed now, and in another half a year, the poison she placed on Murong Qingyun and Murong Yan will completely erupt.She has to hurry up to let them die in the way she set!

"Your Highness, why do you want to tell the prince and this concubine such news?"

Seeing Murong Xiao's smiling face, Yelu Boyang felt uneasy about being prying into his mind.However, Yelu Boyang did not speak nonsense in front of Ming people, so Yelu Boyang still spoke out what he had to say.

"To be honest, the life of this king in Xiliang is actually not easy, so this king wants to use this favor to form an alliance with Prince Qianye."

Yelu Boyang's words drew Qian Yeming's low laugh: "Brother Yelu, do you think this king's life is easy? I'm not in good health, and I don't know when I'll fall down. I don't think it's a disadvantage for Yelu brother to form an alliance with me. ?"

Hearing that Qian Yeming had changed his name to Brother Yelu, Yelu Boyang felt that this matter was probably feasible, and said with a smile: "Brother Qianye, don't speak dark words in front of Ming people, although I don't know what's going on with your body. , but this king believes that it is impossible for a really terminally ill person to save himself from danger every time in the assassination and bring down the powerful prince.

If brother Qianye's health is really in a situation where he can't make ends meet, then there is no need to keep your position as the heir apparent.If it really came to a situation where he could fall down at any time, why didn't brother Qianye generously move this position out, and also avoided ending the endless assassination earlier? "

Qian Yeming raised his eyebrows: "So?"

"So in this king's view, Brother Qianye is the real hidden person in Nanyue. It would be my honor to form an alliance with Brother Qianye."

Qian Yeming was slightly silent, then smiled and said: "Brother Yelu knows that the king and the generalissimo have an inseparable relationship. Instead of forming an alliance with the king, it is better to form an alliance with the generalissimo. You know, the people of the Da Yan family just offended the generalissimo. Marshal, if Brother Yelu goes to the Grand Marshal right now, he will definitely be very happy to have you as an ally."

Yelu Boyang didn't know about Qianyeming's test.Almost without thinking, he replied: "This king has always been very accurate in seeing people. Although Brother Qianye is in the shallows, he is a real dragon. So this king only wants to cooperate with Brother Qianye. Grand Marshal cooperates. Regardless of whether Brother Qianye and the Grand Marshal have a good or bad relationship, this king will only recognize Brother Qianye."

He thought that his expression was clear enough.Although he didn't know why, he was willing to bet that the weak prince was definitely someone who was hiding something.

As for the reason... that is the princess next to him.Such an excellent woman, if a man has no skills, can she still control her?

Qian Yeming was silent for a moment, and asked: "If this king is really what you said, why do you form an alliance with this king?"

Yelu Boyang's eyes narrowed slightly, he didn't expect that Qian Yeming's strength was so great that he could not look down on forming an alliance with him.

Originally, based on his understanding, in the melee in South Vietnam, Qian Yeming would definitely defeat several princes, but the mantis catching cicadas and orioles were behind, and although Murong Qingyu could push Qian Yeming to the throne, anyone could You can see Murong Qingyu's ambition.

(End of this chapter)

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