Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 571 Let You Be a Pig!

Chapter 571 Let You Be a Pig!

Father asked your mother and concubine to think about their mistakes behind closed doors, and told you not to go out at will, but today you not only offended Prince Qian, but also fought with me here, do you think father will be happy? "

Qianye Bingmeng's words made Qianye Manqiao pause slightly, it was undeniable that she was a little scared.

While Qianyeman was thinking cleverly, Qianye Bingmeng ran away holding Xiao Tao.Qianye Manqiao found out that she had been tricked and immediately chased after her.

"Qianye Bingmeng, you bitch! Give me back the dog!"

Qianye Bingmeng rolled her eyes: You are a pig!Then continue to run out of the imperial garden.

Her idea is very simple, as long as she runs out of the imperial garden, Qianye Manqiao will not chase her anymore.After all, her clothes were dirty, her hair was messed up, and a lot of minions died behind her.

Qianye Manqiao has always cherished her image, and she will never run out of the imperial garden regardless of her image.

But Qianye Bingmeng overlooked one point, people don't have so much reason when they are driven crazy.Especially when Qianye Manqiao chased after her, watching the fluffy little white dog wink at her cute and aggrieved eyes, as if saying "Master, come and save me", what is reason?Qianye Manqiao had already thrown it out of the sky.

Seeing that they have already run to the crowded place in the imperial garden, coupled with the fact that there are many guests in the palace today, many guests who were bored in the palace have come to the outskirts of the imperial garden.

Only then did Qianye Bingmeng exhale, straightened her clothes, and walked gracefully on the road connecting the imperial garden to the main road of the imperial palace.Facing the eunuchs and court ladies who kept giving her greetings in the past, she showed a bright smile from time to time.

Just as Qianye Bingmeng was in a good mood stroking the little Tao who disliked her, a sharp roar instantly attracted countless guests to stop.

"Qianye Bingmeng, you bitch! Give me back the dog!"

Qianye Bingmeng turned pale, and was about to turn around when Qianye Manqiao had already arrived.I don't know where the strength came from, but after running for such a long distance with messy hair and accessories, he jumped up and slapped Qianye Bingmeng in the face.

When his finger brushed Qianye Bingmeng's cheek, he deliberately and viciously scratched Qianye Bingmeng's face with his nails.

This bitch dared to rob her like this. If she didn't beat her to the ground and disfigure her today, she wouldn't be Qianye Manqiao.

"Ah—" A scream came, which attracted the attention of countless people.

Qianye Bingmeng never expected that Qianye Manqiao would chase her out, and even fight her in front of so many guests.He was stunned for a while, until he felt a burning pain in his cheek, and then he realized that his face was scratched by this bitch.

But because the reaction was a beat slow, at this moment, Qianye Bingmeng was firmly pressed down by Qianye Manqiao, and she was slapped and torn one after another without any power to fight back.

Seeing that Qianye Bingmeng was almost beaten by him, he used his skills to snatch the other party who was in his arms, or to be precise, the little Tao who was in Qianye Bingmeng's arms.

Qianye Bingmeng was extremely angry, she didn't expect Qianye Manqiao to be so arrogant, she dared to press on her and beat her in front of countless guests.

Originally, he was about to fight back, but a vicious thought was formed in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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