Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 610 How dare you act wildly on Bengong's head

Chapter 610 How dare you act wildly on Bengong's head

Xu Liang felt resentful in his heart, weighed it over and over again, and decided it was better to go back and return to his life.

Anyway, this is also the Nanyue Imperial Palace. He doesn't believe that 50 people can't take these people down, and 500 people, 5000 people, and 5 people can't take them down.

Thinking of this, he didn't stay any longer, left the corpses on the ground and left alone.

In Fengling Palace, the imperial physician had already bandaged Qianye Manqiao's face.But because the scratches were too deep, the imperial physician had clearly told Qianye Manqiao that scars would be left on her face in the future.

Although she was mentally prepared, Qianye Manqiao still couldn't accept the death penalty when the imperial physician really sentenced her to death. Ye Mixue, that bastard, had her skin cramped, her face disfigured, her hands and feet chopped off, and she was turned into a human pig.


Just when Qianye Manqiao was going crazy, Xu Liang came back.

"Eunuch Xu, hurry up and bring that bitch Qianye Mixue to this princess. Tonight, this princess wants her life to be worse than death!"

Looking at the hysterical Qianye Manqiao, Xu Liang felt a little dizzy and looked embarrassed.

"What's the matter? Couldn't all of you bring her here?" Concubine Ling Gui asked angrily when she saw Xu Liang hesitated to speak.

"I'm telling you, my servant brought fifty guards to Yuling Hall, and from a distance, I saw more than a dozen corpses of maids from the Princess's mansion lying in disorder in the open space in front of the hall. Not only that, there was also a dead body standing at the entrance of Yuling Hall. The two dry princes sent the personal guards to Princess Mixue and more than a dozen guards in front of the palace. Presumably, those corpses were randomly discarded at the gate of the palace by them.

The servant has already stated that it is the order of the empress to invite Princess Mixue to Fengling Palace, but the two personal guards said that they are guarding the Palace of Yuling according to the order of Prince Qian, and they also told the servant that from today until Princess Mixue gets married, This Feather Spirit Hall is the territory of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

They not only took out the gold medals from the royal family of the Northern Wei Dynasty, but also the gold medals bestowed by the emperor, saying that the matter was approved by the emperor, and that Princess Mixue is now the quasi-prince princess of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Princess Snow is provoking the Northern Wei Dynasty. "

"Bastard! This is the Nanyue Imperial Palace. Mixue is the adopted princess of this palace. Even if she is the prospective princess, she is still the daughter of this palace. This palace ordered her to come to Fengling Palace. Why should the Northern Wei Dynasty stop it? You just came back like this?"

"Your Majesty, calm down. Of course, it is impossible for the slaves to come back like this. Not only that, but the slaves also said that the gold medals in their hands were fake, and ordered people to enter by force. Who knows that the martial arts of these guards are not generally high. All 50 guards sent to the battle all dead.

If the servant fights with one of them, there is still a possibility of victory, but if the servant is one against two, and there are more than ten guards behind them, the servant is really..."

"It's reversed!" Concubine Ling Gui was so angry that her face turned red, and she paced back and forth in Fengling Palace.

"Mother Concubine, is this the matter of my son being disfigured now? Mother Concubine, you must be the master of my son!"

Concubine Ling's figure pacing back and forth suddenly stopped, and she flicked her robe violently: "Show Chengqian Palace!"

Emperor Dezheng had just sent away the secret envoy of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and he was in a good mood.When she heard that Concubine Ling Gui and the eldest princess had an audience, her expression froze slightly.

For Qianye Manqiao, he once placed infinite hopes.
(End of this chapter)

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