Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 663 How can love be so troublesome?

Chapter 663 How can love be so troublesome?

It would be best for her to forget me and start a new life.

If one day we can solve the religion, and at that time, she is still waiting for me, then I will definitely give her the grandest wedding. "

Seeing Baili Yi who had love in his heart but had to give up, Bailihan sighed deeply.He patted his elder brother on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, elder brother. Brothers work together for profit. We will definitely win."

Bai Liyi smiled and looked at Baili Han: "It doesn't matter even if you fail, the three of us were born in the same year, the same month and the same day, and we will die in the same year, the same month and the same day. To be brothers with you and Feng is the happiest brother in this life." thing."

Bailihan nodded: "And Xi'er, the four of us, brothers and sisters, will surely be safe and secure, and get our own happiness."

In the main room of the guest house, the two brothers each took out a jar of wine and began to drink together.At this moment, only when he was drunk could he bury the deep love deep in his heart.

Above the attic, a black shadow stood still like a piece of rubble, like a stone that had been frozen for thousands of years, lurking extremely well.

It wasn't until the two people in the attic drank wine to drown their sorrows that the black figure got up gently and retreated as silently as when it came.

The black shadow flew to the main courtyard in the inner courtyard of the Prince's Mansion, and then landed and stopped.

"My lord, Madam is waiting for you in Ningxiao Pavilion."

Qian Yeming nodded solemnly, and walked slowly towards the bedroom.

As soon as he returned to the bedroom, he saw Murong Xiao waiting at the door.Seeing Qian Yeming come back, Murong Xiao hurriedly asked: "How is it? Are Feng Luoran and Bailiyi a couple?"

Qian Yeming smiled: "My lady guessed right, they do have some kind of relationship, but... it's just that Bailiyi doesn't seem to have the idea of ​​marrying Feng Luoran as queen. After getting Bailiyi's answer, Feng Luoran Wen Zhuo and Feng Luoran left."

"No?" Murong smiled and frowned.But why did she accidentally see that these two people seem to have friendship for each other?Is there something wrong with her eyesight?
"En." Qian Yeming nodded, took Murong Xiao into his arms, kissed her forehead lightly, and said, "Feng Wenzhuo wants Bailiyi to explain to Feng Luoran that this is Bailiyi. Li Yi's last chance. But Bai Liyi refused, and Feng Luoran left in frustration."

Murong smiled and frowned: "Feng Luoran is such an excellent woman, why did he refuse? And I don't think he is completely heartless towards Feng Luoran."

Qian Yeming sighed: "But sometimes you can't get together just because you are compatible, and you can't get together just because you have feelings."

"Then how do we get together?"

"Of course, it's only by destiny that we can get together."

"Aren't they destined enough? An emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty and a princess of Dongyang are so well matched, and they seem to be attracted to each other. If this is not fate, what is it called? Why can't they give each other a chance?"

She doesn't know much about love.That's why I lost my heart in love and deceit in the last life.In this life, she relied on her love for Qian Yeming and her hatred for Murong Qingyun and the others in the previous life, so she will be with Qian Yeming without hesitation.

Even after three lifetimes, to her, an agent with a low EQ, love is actually very simple.
(End of this chapter)

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