Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 667 Autopsy

Chapter 667 Autopsy
Knowing that Yang Yi must have died, but never thought that he died so miserably.It is said that he has never seen Mo Yunfang's vicious methods, but seeing him today, even Murong Qingyu, who is used to seeing dead people, couldn't help but feel chills in his heart.

How cruel!

"Father, this is Mr. Yang, Mo Yunfang, she actually..." To the point where the dignified poisonous king Yang Yi was hacked to pieces.

Outside the marshal's mansion, all the shadow guards placed in the secret place had been knocked to the ground, Murong Qingyu's complexion darkened, and he asked sharply, "Did you see who threw the corpse here?"

"Report to the Generalissimo, that man is extremely agile and knows poison. We just felt someone behind us, and we couldn't move from head to toe. We only saw a figure passing by, and the corpse was already thrown at the door."

Although Murong Qingyu really wanted to scold these shadow guards as useless things, he endured it for a long time, but finally gave up.His major event is about to be implemented, and what needs to be cultivated now is the absolute loyalty of his subordinates to him.

"Come here, help them go down to rest, and replace the hidden guards outside the door with a new batch. Carry Mr. Yang's body into the Marshal's Mansion, and bury him generously!"

"Wait." After the servants carried Yang Yi's body into the Marshal's Mansion, Murong Yan stopped.

Murong Qingyu looked at Murong Yan, now that Yang Yi was dead, Jing and Murong Yan were his best assistants.Especially Murong Yan.

"Yan'er, what's the matter?"

Unlike Murong Meng who was standing aside disgustedly, unwilling to take a step forward at all, Murong Yan was squatting in front of the corpse at this moment, and ordered someone to take a pair of gloves and start checking Yang Yi's injuries.

At this moment, Jing who was lying in the bedroom was also startled by the movement outside the door. With the help of the guards, she came to the door, frowning quietly watching Murong Yan examine Yang Yi's body.

Not long after, Murong Yan asked: "Father, does Yang Yi have any deep hatred with Mo Yunfang?"

Murong Qingyu shook his head: "No. The poison king has disappeared from the Jianghu for more than 20 years. More than 20 years ago, Mo Yunfang was still an unknown woman, so how could he have a grudge against her?"

Murong Yan frowned and said, "That's weird!"

"Is there anything wrong?"

Murong Yan nodded: "Of course not. If according to father's statement, they would kill Yang Yi at the worst, why bother to cut him into pieces?
And you see, he had a massive collapse on his sternum, obviously, badly injured before he died.This wound is not like a punch, but like a kick.

Yan'er doesn't know how deep Mr. Yang's internal strength is, but compared to the dignified poison king, even if he has been in a wheelchair for so long, his internal strength should not be so degraded that he can't resist even a single move.

We can see two points from such a kick. First, the opponent's internal strength is deep enough to seriously injure Mr. Yang who still has internal strength.Second, Mr. Yang's hands and feet were not restrained, but this kick was right on his chest. It can be seen that he was defenseless when he suffered this kick.Then this kick was done by someone who was extremely familiar with it, or someone whose martial arts were so advanced that he was unable to resist it.There are only two possibilities.

It just so happens that Mr. Jing is also here, so Mr. Jing can explain it to Dad. "

The eyes under Jing's mask narrowed dangerously, and slowly walked to Murong Yan's side.

(End of this chapter)

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