Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 71 Focus on Wandering

Chapter 71 Focus on Wandering

At this moment, they came to her Yunwu Pavilion with two dogs, obviously to search for the whereabouts of those herbs.

She had known that this might happen a long time ago, so she had already dealt with it.Even if the poisonous weed had been stored with her, it was impossible for these two beasts to find it.

And she was also worried that they would not come, otherwise, the gift she had prepared for the two beasts would be in vain.

It's just... She wasn't without worries.

When Mr. Jing and Qian Yeming were dueling before, because of her intervention, the two stopped their attacks one after another.Although she successfully rescued Qian Yeming and his two subordinates, Qian Yeming's reaction was enough to expose his relationship with her.

And at that time she clearly saw his exploration of her in Jing's eyes.

Even if she doesn't know who the man in black is, Jing must know that the man in black is related to her.

At that time, when Murong Qingyu asked them to narrate the incident, he quietly omitted the most important part, so he wondered if he told Murong Qingyu about this part after she left.

It doesn't matter if you say it, she grew up in a secret room since she was a child, and she just came out of the secret room, and she stayed in the marshal's mansion all day with Murong Qingyun, where would she have time to meet other people?
Even if you question her, she can pretend to be ignorant.

However, if Jing didn't tell Murong Qingyu about her, then this Mr. Jing is more worth her time to understand.

Two dogs, a rare purebred Tibetan mastiff breed, absolute family dogs, smelled here and there after entering the bathhouse, and then went out.

Murong Xiao raised his lips again, and within an hour, the two dogs could no longer smell anything.

Murong smiled and got up, put on his clothes, and walked out slowly.

She has no interest in Yang Yi at all.The person she wanted to see was Mr. Jing who stayed with Yang Yi.

The two dogs were still searching other places in Yunwu Pavilion, but Murong Xiao had already walked out.

Seeing Murong Xiao walk out slowly, the two people at the door looked up.

At this moment, she is wearing a white peony tulle and a white skirt that drags the floor with plum blossoms. She is dressed in a simple and quiet manner, with a gentle and graceful figure. Like a fairy who was isolated from the world of mortals.

Even Yang Yi, the poison king who usually stays at home, is deeply attracted by this figure at this moment, with greedy eyes.

On the other hand, looking at Jing at the side, he also kept staring at her blankly, with unconcealable amazement in his eyes.The way he looked at her was even more focused than Yang Yi's, but behind that concentration, he was actually... distracted!
Yes, distracted!
Murong Xiao watched the eyes of the two of them, and directly ignored Yang Yi. Mr. Jing's expression really made her feel puzzled.

In fact, she also guessed that when Jing died in her hands in the previous life, the reason why she had that look in her eyes might be because she was brought up since she was a child, so she had an un-lunatic relationship.

Then Jing's gaze now is enough to veto her previous guess.

Although there were amazement, admiration, and fixed eyes in his eyes, but his eyes were clear and did not contain any obscene impurities.Look carefully, his eyes are indeed wandering, as if... looking at another person through her!

Yes, that's right!She was right.

So who was he looking through her?
Murong Xiao walked up to Mr. Jing and nodded slightly.Although she is now the daughter-in-law of the Marshal's Mansion, Jing is their master, and she deserves the respect she deserves.

(End of this chapter)

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