Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 802 Going to Mo's House

Chapter 802 Going to Mo's House
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I once heard one of the desert mercenaries mention that they are the mercenaries of the young master Biao's family of the Gong family, the last of the four major families.Although I don't know who this young master of the Gong family is, the power behind him is the Gong family.So this thing is really tricky. "

"What? We provoked the Gong family just after we entered the desert, so...then what shall we do in the future? Can we get out of this desert smoothly?"

Qingfan said calmly, "I have a friend who recently became the deputy mercenary commander of the Mo family, which ranks third among the four major families. This time I entered the desert, and I also planned to take my brother to join him.

If you don't mind, I can take you to Mo's house.Of course, as I said, I'm not a pimp, and if you don't want to go, I won't force you. "

"Where is there! Commander Qing's ability to know the deputy commander of the Mo family's mercenaries is also a kind of guarantee for us! Now that we have offended the Gong family, we are already grasshoppers on a boat, shouldn't we be united?"

The words of the rich businessman attracted the approval of the rest.Afterwards, everyone turned their attention to the most powerful couple in the team, who had the most say.

Messing up with Gong's cousin is already a tricky thing.Now if they can get some relationship with the Mo family, coupled with the protection of the strong, their life safety must be much more secure.

Seeing that no one dared to ask, the rich businessman who was hiding in the tent when the incident happened and didn't know what happened, saw that everyone looked at Qian Yeming and his wife, so he immediately asked politely: "Master, do you know what happened between you and your family?" Madam, is she also willing to join Commander Qingfan to seek refuge with the Mo family?"

"Since you have to seek refuge with one side, go for it. After all, it's better to have a relationship than to have nothing to do with it." Murong Xiao nodded in agreement.

"Young master, what do you mean?" Seeing that everyone turned their gazes to Qianyeming again, although the wealthy businessman didn't know where this couple was that made them submit so timidly, he still knew how to judge others. So he turned to Qianyeming again and asked.

Qian Yeming raised his brows slightly, raised the corners of his lips, and said, "My husband is what others say."

Seeing that the two strong men also planned to follow them to seek refuge with the Mo family, everyone was relieved.There will be dangers in the desert at any time, with these two strong men, presumably if they encounter the same thing just now, their lives should be guaranteed.

"Since everyone has decided to go to Mo's house, let's go now! If these mercenaries don't return on time to report, then the young master Biao of the Gong family will definitely look for them immediately. We only have less than 200 people now. Shan Libo must rush to Mo's house as soon as possible."

"Okay, let's listen to Commander Qing." Although his physical condition is really not suitable for traveling without a good rest, in order to save his life, the wealthy businessman was the first to agree.

The others are almost all martial arts, and traveling at night is better than facing the desert mercenaries again.

"Commander Qing, can't you notify your Mo family friend in advance?"

Qing Fan was taken aback by Qian Yeming's words, and then asked respectfully: "I don't know what you mean, my lord?"

Qian Yeming smiled and said: "This desert is vast and boundless. Even though those desert mercenaries aimed at us and wanted to swallow us in advance from the beginning, where did they get such an accurate position?"

(Updated on August 12th)
(End of this chapter)

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