Chapter 829
There are some words that not everyone dares to say, but once they are said, although they are not pleasant to hear, they can bring the relationship closer to each other.

" are you an outsider..."

Seeing Mo Xin showing such a delicate daughter again, Ya Heng turned his head to the side a little embarrassed.

When he saved people back then, he only thought of saving Master Mo, but he saved this Miss Fifth easily.And he is here to complete the mission. After this matter is over, he still has other missions to complete. He doesn't want to lock himself in this desert and really become a desert tyrant.

So Yaheng could only choose to ignore Mo Xin's words.

"Father, my daughter thinks that Yan Chengwu must be killed, and the sooner the better. Otherwise, I don't know what prodigal son will be found in the future. As for this mercenary group, my daughter thinks that although the eldest brother is weak, his leadership ability There are still.

And Mo Heng, although he only came to our house for two months, he saved Dad twice in these two months.Moreover, Mo Heng's martial arts is so strong that many mercenaries also admire him.Once Yan Chengwu died, Mo Heng should be able to take over the mercenary group in the shortest possible time.

After taking over, the eldest brother will be the commander of the mercenary group, and Mo Heng will be the deputy commander of the mercenary group.We also make a tiger charm like the imperial court, half of which is held in the hands of the eldest brother and half of which is held by Mo Heng.But if you want to transfer troops, you must have a complete Tiger Talisman.This can also reassure father and prevent Mo Heng from feeling psychologically stressed. "

Master Mo nodded after hearing this: "But what you said is right, Yan Chengwu sent someone to assassinate me twice, and this person can no longer stay. Mo Heng, this matter can only depend on you, are you sure? "

Yaheng clasped his fists and said, "Master, don't worry, this matter is on your subordinates."

***************The situation is changing**************
Stars twinkle in the sky, a bright moon hangs high, and the silver light sprinkles the earth, and the quiet yellow sand glows with a touch of gold in this silver light, like a dream.

The night was dark, only the Mojia business district, and there were still many people shuttling through pubs, shops and brothels.This is known as the city that never sleeps in the desert, which is enough to show its prosperity.

The other area was completely silent, and everyone fell asleep, except for occasional desert mercenaries patrolling the residential area to ensure the safety of the residents.

In a luxurious manor not far from Mo's Castle, Yan Chengwu sat upright, surrounded by hundreds of leaders of the mercenary unit, with serious expressions on their faces.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Yan Chengwu continued: "You were all selected by me at the beginning. To put it bluntly, we are now in the same boat. If my position of commander is cut off, you think Mo Yuan will be the one who will be taken as a person? Are you allowed to stay in the position of team captain?"

"After all, we grew up under the protection of the Mo family, and our family members are all in the Mo family. I think the master will not take us for your sake! What's more, even though we were recommended by you, we can be a The captain of this mercenary unit also relies on our own ability. Now that the master no longer trusts you, what does it have to do with us?"

Finally, a team leader under his seat spoke his mind, and several normally neutral people immediately nodded in agreement.

"That's right. We are the mercenaries of the Mo family, not your Yan Chengwu's mercenaries. Even if Mo Heng wants to take the position of the mercenary leader with evil intentions, it must be approved by the master.

(Updated on August 12th)
(End of this chapter)

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