Chapter 85

Murong Xiao's voice sounded coldly, Yan Hong swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and shuddered again.

This time, she didn't say anything.Staring in horror, he moved his body back a little bit out of the attack range of the dagger.

After that, he shrank behind the black-robed man and shivered, forgetting that there were still two needles stuck in his feet.

This time she was really scared.Ever since she was a child, no one had dared to treat her like this.And she really believed that if Brother Huang hadn't pulled her a hand just now, she would be dead now.

But this time, although the bright red shut his mouth, the man in black robe was dissatisfied, and he clasped his fists and asked: "Dare to ask this girl's name, I don't know why the girl wants to hurt sister-in-law so maliciously?"

Murong Xiao opened his teeth lightly, and instead of answering, asked: "I don't know the names of the young master and the young lady?"

Looking at Murong Xiao's slightly curved eyes, even though he is covered with a veil, he still knows that the owner of these eyes is smiling.But he couldn't feel the warmth of that smile at all.On the contrary, her smile carried a piercing coldness, which made Yelu Boyang's heart slightly chill——

What kind of woman is this?
Yelu Boyang narrowed his eyes slightly, cupped his hands and said, "I'm the eldest prince of Xiliang, Yelu Boyang, this is my sister, the eldest princess of Xiliang, Yeluya."

Murong raised her lips with a smile, and deliberately amplified her voice: "The little girl has eyes that don't recognize Mount Tai. She thought that those who offended the common people and killed innocent people indiscriminately and disturbed the royal temple were some thieves who didn't know how to behave, but it turned out to be the prince and princess of Xiliang. . Disrespect, disrespect!"

As soon as Murong Xiao finished speaking, more and more people who had already gathered immediately started whispering.

Nanyue, a country full of treasures and the wealthiest country among the six countries, its people love literature and art, and are keen on gossip and gossip.The prince and princess of Xiliang went to South Vietnam to celebrate the monarch's birthday, but in the place where they prayed for the monarch, they offended the people and killed innocent people indiscriminately.

This is definitely a super gossip that can be spread all over the streets this afternoon.

Yelu Boyang frowned slightly, how could he not know what this woman meant by speaking so loudly?
Since he was a guest, since he had indeed offended the people and killed them first, in order to calm the situation, Yelu Boyang had no choice but to go down to the village for Yeluya.

"Xiliang and Nanyue temples are different in terms of architectural structure and humanistic quality. Sister She is very fond of Nanyue temples, and she is anxious to go up the mountain quickly, so she offended the people and everyone in Nanyue on the spur of the moment. Please also Young master and all the ladies, for the sake of my sister's young age and long-distance travel, please forgive us for our collision just now."

Yelu Boyang's words were extremely sincere, and he refused to mention himself. The man died, the princess was also injured, and he completely blamed himself for the fault.

Although it was true that they had caused public outrage just now, their extremely humble words were enough to make the people who had been tortured by the thought of enslavement for a long time forgive them.

She is the prince and princess of Xiliang, and it was indeed just the little princess shouting in the sedan chair.The little princess is ignorant. Although she did something hateful, she learned her lesson, and the prince apologized.The matter should indeed be over.

But if the common people think like this, Murong Xiao will definitely not think like this.

After hearing Yelu Boyang's words, Murong laughed and praised: "The prince of Xiliang is really honest and humble,

(End of this chapter)

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