Chapter 860 Desire
"So Mo Yunfang doesn't know about this?" Murong asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know, but the crown prince will hand you over to the empress's hands immediately."

"Your prince has come to Gota Desert?"

"Of course! How can the Su family be responsible for handing over the large treasures here? Then the Su family is not the one who saves trouble, and will definitely swallow some of the treasures.

Hmph, these four big families thought they could run rampant in this desert, but they didn't realize that it was just that the imperial court was too lazy to deal with them.It was originally a barren land where nothing could be pulled out, and the imperial court was too lazy to send troops. "

Murong smiled and nodded: "So that's the case. Then you know, the four major families still have a large force behind them!"

"I know this matter better than you! These four big families just want to steal the black, who knows that the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind. This time, our prince will be the last one to sweep away!"

"How many people did your prince bring? Are you sure you can wipe out all the people from the four major families?"

"Our crown prince brought 20 troops to go there this time. Yelu Boyang thought that he could sit back and enjoy the success after making a plan with the Han family and the Su family, but our crown prince had already reached an agreement with the Su family and the Gong family. Hahaha……"

"This oasis is so big, how will you contact your prince when the time comes?"

"We have a signal!" After saying that, Hong Da pulled out the signal fireworks from his waist.

After the questioning, Murong Xiao didn't speak again, Hong Da's eyes showed a daze again, and after a while, he pointed to the air and said, "Yelu Boyang, go die now! If you die, no one will talk to our crown prince." Grandpa fought!"

After finishing speaking, he drew out the knife at his waist and slashed at "Yelu Boyan".

At this time, the brothers behind Hong Da also started to develop their own delusions, talking and chopping in place.

"Let's deal with it!"

After Qian Yeming's voice fell, Blast and Qingfeng raised their knives and dropped them. In the blink of an eye, the six Hongda who followed them all the way, and sent three messages to the Xiliang court, fell into a pool of blood instantly.

After putting the flare on Hong Da into his pocket, the two immediately followed.

"Xiao'er, what kind of poison has been poisoned to the water source in this oasis?" Qian Yeming frowned, with lingering fear in his heart.

"This water is not poison, but a powerful psychedelic."

"Fortunately, you are here, otherwise we will all be planted here."

"This kind of psychedelic is more powerful than hypnosis to a certain extent. It can amplify people's inner desires to infinity and make the psychedelic completely lost in their own demons. But it is especially for people with strong will, The effect is not particularly great.

It is estimated that this is why when the oasis was formed, all the people who went to investigate the oasis died, and only one little boy came out alive. "

"Could it be that the little boy is the kind with a particularly strong will?"

Murong Xiao shook his head: "It should be said that the little boy is the kind who has no desires and no desires. As long as he has no desires and no desires, he will not be deluded by the demons in his heart.

And you, in my last life, I discovered that you are a person who cannot be hypnotized, so even if you drink that psychedelic water, you will not be completely psychedelic.But this kind of water will have a certain degree of stimulation to everyone who has drunk it. It will slow down the blood supply to the brain and slow down people's reactions. "

Qian Yeming nodded in response: "I see.

(End of this chapter)

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