Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 888 Caixia Palace

Chapter 888 Caixia Palace

Qian Yeming suddenly performed lightness kung fu and flew to the top of the hall.Wipe the dusty top with the sleeve, and the handwriting on it is somewhat blurred.

Faintly, Murong Xiao seemed to see the lower part of the word "Xia".

"Xiao Tao, clean up the words on it."

Under Murong Xiao's order, Xiao Tao's whole body flashed white, and the entire palace gate was instantly clean.But when they saw the three words clearly on the gate of the palace, Qian Yeming and Murong Xiao's hearts sank at the same time.

"Caixia Palace!"

After the strange colorful birthmark appeared on her body, Murong Xiao felt a little depressed all the time.

Seeing these three words in this weird palace now shocked Murong Xiao's heart, and at the same time, it also connected the encounters after entering the oasis area all the way.

The king of Loulan suddenly disappeared, the golden palace was buried underground, and the ancient capital of Loulan turned into a desert within a month. The gods were looking for a baby girl with a birthmark of Caixia on her chest. After entering the oasis, someone attacked Qianyeming and repeatedly tried to put him to death. A birthmark of Caixia appeared on her chest, and now, a Palace of Caixia appeared here...

A series of things had to make Murong Xiao guess that King Loulan had something to do with the Sect, or that King Loulan was the mysterious leader of the Sect.And the woman the God Sect is looking for is Caixia, the woman King Loulan admired at the beginning!
Murong Xiao was in a daze, but in the next moment, Qian Yeming was hugging him heavily.

Leaning on the opponent's chest, listening to the powerful heartbeat in the chest, Murong Xiao's heart instantly settled down.

"No matter what we have to face, I will always stand by your side!" After finishing speaking, Qian Yeming put his lips to Murong Xiao's ear, and said softly: "Now we are one, no one can separate us .Do not worry!"

His words seemed to have magic power, which made Murong Xiao, who was a little nervous, calm down instantly, and said with a smile: "Even death can't separate us!"

"Then what are you worried about? Let's go in and take away all the things inside, soothe my Xiao'er's heart."

"it is good!"

The originally dull atmosphere instantly became lively, and Murong Xiao's thoughts were once again devoted to searching for treasures.

Xiao Tao led the way and kicked Caixia Palace away, and there was a whole palace full of treasures inside.Moreover, these treasures are obviously more precious than the treasures of other palaces. If you take out any one, it will cause a sensation in the entire Kyushu continent.

However, the group of four were not attracted by the treasure.Because after the palace door was kicked open, the first thing that caught the eye was the portrait carved on the huge palace wall directly opposite.

Looking around, the walls on all sides are actually carved portraits.The portraits are lifelike, there are pictures of women fluttering butterflies, there are pictures of women practicing swords, there are pictures of women frowning, there are pictures of women smiling...

And the women in these pictures are all the same person.

"Ma'am, why does the woman on the wall look exactly like you?" Qingfeng couldn't help asking.

"You read it wrong!" Qian Yeming replied with a grim expression, and then smiled at Murong: "Go, go and see what treasures are there, after we get them, we will go out and let Xiao Tao swallow this palace."

"it is good!"

After all, the two started to hunt for treasure in the palace hand in hand.

Qingfeng still wanted to speak but was stared back by Haifeng with a wink.

(End of this chapter)

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