Chapter 903

"The hatred of killing one's father is irreconcilable. I know that you and Yi Lei joined Kuangfeng with blood and deep hatred. You have received nearly a year of training in Kuangfeng, and your own abilities have also improved rapidly. If you want to go back for revenge, I only have one Requirements: That is, you must return from victory.

Although you no longer have your former home, now, Kuangfeng is your home, and every member of Kuangfeng is your family.With the wind at your back, you are not alone. "

Originally Xiao Yimo was worried that they would not have enough manpower, but what Murong Xiao said just now told him that if he and Xiao Yilei were going to avenge the bloody sea of ​​​​extermination of the clan, not only Xiao Tao, but even the team members of Kuangfeng could go with them.

Take a deep breath, and force back the emotion and tears accumulated in your eyes.

"Thank you, son. Our revenge will be avenged sooner or later. The matter with Murong Qingyu has not been resolved yet. It won't be too late for us to go back after his matter is resolved."

Murong smiled and nodded: "Before you go back to take revenge, tell me about your affairs, and I will make arrangements. Since you want to take revenge, you must not let the enemy have the slightest chance to steal your life."


"Ma'am, there are people from the Mo family and the Han family among these people. They are on the same side as Yelu Boyang. Shall we save them?"

"Xiao Tao, take this golden palace away."

Looking at the huge golden palace below, made of gold, jade and precious stones, Murong Xiao's mood instantly brightened.

Although they encountered a lot of weird things here, those hands in the dark were not as powerful as Xiao Tao, and they escaped smoothly in the end.

Since she paid the price, and this golden palace was also built for her by that silver-haired magic stick, she deservedly took this wealth away.

Hearing Murong Xiao's order, Xiao Tao walked to the gate of the palace with cat steps under the ecstatic gaze of many Kuangfeng team members, and instantly changed his figure to a height of more than ten feet. Open up the huge maximum force and suck——

The halls of the Golden Palace collapsed in an instant, and the heads made of gold and the ground made of various precious jades rushed towards Xiao Tao immediately, and then quickly fell into its mouth.

This golden palace is many times bigger than Xiao Tao's body at the moment, but after the buildings made of accumulated treasures enter Xiao Tao's mouth, it seems to fall into a black hole that will never be saturated.

Everyone stared wide-eyed at the shattered and disappeared palaces and Xiao Tao, whose body shape was completely unchanged, and their admiration was like a surging river.

In less time than a cup of tea, there is only a pool of blood left in the huge golden palace.

Xiao Tao shrunk his figure and looked at Murong Xiao. This blood pool is not a good thing, it is too dark, and it won't sell for much money if it is taken back.

Understanding Xiao Tao's meaning, Murong Xiao also decided not to have Xuechi.

The seven-flower poison on Qian Yeming's body has been completely released, and the treasure of the Golden Palace has also been obtained, so this oasis is no longer worth staying.

Just when the group was about to leave, Qian Yeming and Murong Xiao once again sensed that a large number of people were walking towards this direction.

After a group of more than 50 people found a place to hide nearby, dense black shadows followed.

"Young master, the four people in front

(End of this chapter)

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