Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 917 Arrested

Chapter 917 Arrested

Everyone secretly rejoiced that they didn't disappear in the oasis when it disappeared.

"His Royal Highness, what do you think... General Fang and those [-] soldiers were swallowed by this oasis?"

Yelu Boyang stared at this strange "oasis" for a long time with lingering fear, and then came back to his senses under Yuan Mo's call.

"I don't know, maybe!"

"Look, Your Highness, there seems to be someone in front of you!"

A guard of the Yue Palace roared, and everyone looked forward.Those who can come to the direction of the oasis are not fuel-efficient lamps.And since he has come to this place, he must have entered the oasis.They were fighting fiercely here, but this group of people ran fast, and they had already run in front of them.

Moreover, this group of people acted suspiciously. It is very possible that Yelv Jingcun's death and the disappearance of the Golden Palace were related to them.Even if it doesn't matter, they might know something.

"Yuan Mo, bring 1000 people to chase after this king!" Yelu Boyang gave an order, and Yuan Mo immediately led [-] cavalry to chase after the group of people who had turned into small black spots.

When the oasis disappeared, Qian Yeming and Murong Xiao already knew that it would be a matter of time before they were exposed, so when Yuan Mo chased them, the group did not dodge at all, they still walked in the desert at a leisurely pace.

A thousand camels galloped in the desert, and soon came to the rear of Qian Yeming and Murong Xiao.

"Who is in front? Stop quickly, or you will be punished as a spy!"

Yuan Mo's voice sounded from behind, Qian Yeming and his party of 200 people stopped immediately obediently, and then turned around.Before Yuan Mo could ask another question, Murong Xiao took out a token from his bosom.

The token is made of pure gold with the word "Yue" engraved on it.

Yuan Mo was startled when he saw this, and immediately got off his horse.

This is the token of Yuewang Mansion, seeing the token is like seeing His Royal Highness Yuewang.Those who have this token can also mobilize the shadow guards of the Yue Palace to help, which is a very precious thing.

The group of 200 people only had some water bags and food bags in their hands, and they didn't seem to have any valuables. The treasure in the Golden Palace should have nothing to do with them.

Obviously, this group is dominated by a man and a woman in front. Looking at the ordinary appearance of this man and woman with an air of dignity that he dare not look at directly, Yuan Mo clasped his fists and said, "I don't know who you two are? Come here What is Ta Damo doing?"

Facing Yuan Mo's sudden transformation from fierce to polite, Murong raised his eyebrows with a smile. He didn't expect that Yelu Boyang's token was so easy to use.So while playing with the token, he responded, "Let's wait until Yelu Boyan comes over."

Yuan Mo was slightly startled when the other party called the king of Yue by his name. He already had some guesses about the identities of the couple, so he respectfully said: "His Royal Highness is behind, please wait a moment."

After a while, Yelu Boyan arrived with a team of nearly 30 people.

Looking at the couple smiling at him in front of him, Yelu Boyang had a sense of familiarity, but he couldn't remember who this man and woman were.

"Mr. Ye? Mrs. Ye? Mo Heng, Qing Fan?!"

Before Yelu Boyang came to ask questions urgently, Master Mo had already escaped from the team and announced the names of Qian Yeming and his party.

"Aren't you mercenaries of my Su family?"

"You belong to the Han family!"

(End of this chapter)

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