Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 945 Good guy!

Chapter 945 Good guy!

From the tactics of those killers, he knew that Mo Yunfang would not let him go this time.

Yelu Boyang's words caused Murong Xiao to laugh like silver bells.

"His Royal Highness Yue came to us early in the morning to seek asylum? Don't you think you have found the wrong place? We are now on the territory of Xiliang, shouldn't His Highness Yue come to protect us? Back then you gave us the gold medal It was agreed when we were in Xiliang that you would keep us safe."

Facing Murong Xiao's clean-up, Yelu Boyang felt a little ashamed.But compared to losing face, he understands that his life is the most important thing.

"It's true that this king underestimated Mo Yunfang and overestimated himself."

Seeing Qian Yeming and Murong Xiao eating breakfast calmly, Yelu Boyang narrowed his eyes slightly, his mouth twitched slightly, and asked: "The reason why you two chose to part ways with this king is because you expected this?"

Regarding Yelu Boyang's spirit of being slow-witted and not ashamed to ask, Qian Yeming and Murong Xiao used silence to represent their acquiescence.


Before, he thought that Qian Yeming and Murong Xiao followed him to take advantage of his 30 troops, but after a long time they didn't want to join him and let him see the truth clearly.

"I don't say secret words in front of the Ming people. There are still five days away from the capital. I want to ask for the protection of Prince Qianye and the Crown Princess. I wonder how the two can agree to this king?"

"Just agree to one of our requests." Yelu Boyang's voice had just finished, and Murong Xiao, who was still buried in his meal, replied immediately.As if answering this question requires no thought at all.

Yelu Boyang: "..."

The corners of the lips twitched again.He really wanted to say, can you give me some face and think about it before answering?Answering so quickly, it was obvious that he had anticipated his situation long ago, followed behind to watch the jokes, figured out a way to blackmail and waited for him to come.This way he really loses face, okay?

Moreover, the reason why Mo Yunfang went crazy and didn't hold back from him was because he stood with this black-bellied couple and started a war in the desert because of them. Kill everyone, okay?Without them, he wouldn't have to do it at all!
Speaking of which, how could this person be so thick-skinned and not know how to repay his kindness?There is no basic character!

But now, if he said too much, he would be in tears. Who made him not have a satisfactory wife?If he had a daughter-in-law like Murong Xiao, it wouldn't be so miserable.

Some envious glanced at Qian Yeming, and asked, "I don't know what kind of request you two want to make?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. We just need His Royal Highness Yue to agree first." Murong Xiao continued to smile brightly.

Yelu Boyang: "..."

This is to ask him to open a short banknote, so that they can get whatever they want when the time comes!

Although he really didn't want to agree to the couple's request, if he didn't agree, it was very possible, it should be said that it was absolutely impossible for him to return to the palace safely.The lesser of two harms——

"As long as it doesn't endanger our Xiliang community, the foundation of the country, or cause me, Yelu Boyang, to be unjust."

After hearing Yelu Boyang's words, Murong smiled and praised: "His Royal Highness is worthy of being a person who can do great things! Don't worry, our husband and wife are good people, and we will not make things difficult for His Royal Highness."

Good man!
(End of this chapter)

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