Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 97 Eat well, sleep well!

Chapter 97 Eat well, sleep well!
Stretching out two hands, hooking his neck, when he bent over in surprise, he brought his lips closer.


When his own lips touched the other's slightly cool lips, Murong Xiao felt as if he was being shocked by an electric shock, and his mind was in chaos.

It's really strange, the number of times they kissed in the last life was not too small, there were kisses of punishment, love, sincerity, deceit, all kinds of kisses.

But this time, this kiss was unprecedentedly sweet.

A unique fragrance of orchids floated into the nostrils, followed by a sense of electricity that filled the whole body. When an indescribable sense of swelling and wonder suddenly surged in the lower abdomen, Murong Xiao had already unilaterally ended it. I gave that active and domineering kiss.

A trace of confusion flashed across Qianyeming's dark eyes, followed by unsatisfied accusations.It's like Zhu Bajie ate a life fruit whole, and he didn't even taste the taste before he disappeared.

This is more maddening than not kissing!
We've kissed each other, can't the time be longer?
Before I can feel anything, it's gone...

Seeing the strong dissatisfaction in Qian Yeming's eyes although he didn't speak, Murong Xiao coughed in embarrassment, and pretended to be domineering and said:
"I will marry you in a short time. I have stamped and confirmed in advance just now. From now on, you are mine. You are not allowed to have any improper relationship with other women. You can't even think about it.

Also, don't think about it when you go back, eat well, sleep well, and if you lose weight when I marry you, I will pack you up and return it! "

Seeing Murong leave Midi with a smile and without looking back, Qianyeming's thin lips parted slightly.Repeatedly recalling what Murong Xiao said just now, and after that proactive, passionate, domineering kiss, he suddenly smiled.

If Murong Xiao is still there, they will find that his eyes are full of happiness at the moment, and they will be amazed that his smile can be so clean and pure, like a child who got candy.

Indeed, Qianyeming was surrounded by happiness at this moment.Having lived to such an old age, he has never felt such happiness, happiness, and the feeling of being filled with some kind of sweetness in his chest.

I thought that being alive was just about surviving and getting revenge.But after experiencing the mood at this moment, he realized that he could still feel such happiness and joy while alive.And this happiness and joy is so fascinating and yearning.

He swears that she kissed him just now because she was absolutely reluctant to leave him.

And those words she said not only represent that this woman has the same thinking as him, but also that she really loves him.

Eat well and sleep well.It's such a simple yet touching thing that makes you want to cry.She really guessed it right. For the past ten days, he has been thinking wildly, and he hasn't had a good meal or a good sleep.

Although the woman didn't tell him the real situation, he is sure now that no matter what the real situation is, this woman definitely loves him, cares about him, and cherishes him.

He could fully feel her kindness to him.

Qian Yeming stretched out his hand, and a ray of sunlight shone on his palm through the cracks in the leaves, as if a ray of light suddenly appeared in his life in the dark and opaque world,
(End of this chapter)

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