Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 973 Ni's paralysis!

Chapter 973 Ni's paralysis!
The image of the new emperor immediately fell from the sky to the ground.

Yelu Boyang stood outside the palace gate, his whole face flushed with anger, and finally couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of heartache, feeling extremely regretful in his heart.

Before that, he had always thought that Qianyeming and his wife were very strange, but in order to ascend to the throne earlier and immediately eliminate Qianyeming, a potentially powerful enemy, he thought of such a bad move.

Unexpectedly, this time stealing the chicken would not be successful, and not only did he fail to plant it, but it also made him a critic.

At the beginning of his ascension to the throne, the support of the people is very important. Today is the first day of his ascension and this happened. Yelu Boyang really has the heart to beat him to death.

But at this moment, even if his intestines are remorseful, there is nothing he can do.This weird screen in the sky has already publicized all his affairs.Within five days, the entire Kyushu continent must have known about his murder of the king and his father.

The huge screen in the sky slowly disappeared after reflecting more and more people in the mass grave beckoning to show up to confirm the real situation.

"Damn slave! When did I order you to murder the late emperor? You must be the remnant of that witch Mo Yunfang, trying to make Xiliang chaos! Go to hell!"

After finishing speaking, Yelu Boyang drew his sword and directly cut off the neck of that Eunuch Chen.

Looking at the strange gazes of civil and military officials from the Manchu Dynasty, Yelu Boyang listened to him with a straight face and said, "Everyone, it's okay for the common people to be ignorant, don't you believe in that ghost?

The crown prince is dead, and there is only one prince in Xiliang, why should I kill the late emperor and blame Qian Yeming?This must be the witchcraft that Murong Xiao used in order to leave Xiliang smoothly! "

"Yelu Boyang! In vain, the late emperor once protected you under his wings and wanted you to succeed. I didn't expect you to be so ambitious. People like you should be condemned by all people. What qualifications do you have? emperor?"

A diehard minister who was loyal to the first emperor pointed at Yelu Boyang and cursed angrily, and Yelu Boyang was so angry that he drew his sword and cut him off.

In addition, two ministers stood up and continued to scold him, and they were hacked to death by Yelv Boyan again.

"I told you that this is an illusion, it's a demon method, who of you dare to talk nonsense?"

Just when all the ministers were silent, an image appeared in the sky outside again, and that image just happened to be the image of Yelu Boyang killing Eunuch Chen, and then killing the three ministers who accused him.

Now the people of Xiliang, who were already angry and excited, boiled like they were completely boiled.Everyone took rotten eggs, and rotten vegetables and leaves began to throw things into the palace, saying that Yelu Boyang had killed a good official to silence him.

Yelu Boyang sat on the throne, his face was ashen, and he didn't dare to speak nonsense anymore.Who knows when this damn mirror will go crazy and reappear!

Even if they were confused at the beginning, the ministers who thought it might be a demon, are 100% sure at the moment, there are gods standing above their heads, people are doing it, and the sky is watching.

The ministers who were originally worried about being affected and silenced were also relieved at this moment. There is no one who knows when the ugly sky mirror will suddenly appear.

Qian Yeming and Murong Xiao drove away with Gale and Qingfeng on the night they killed Mo Yunfang, and the other Gale members also dressed up as local people again,
(End of this chapter)

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