Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 980 Bright Moon and Grass

Chapter 980 Bright Moon and Grass

The ministers headed by Murong Qingyu asked the emperor to send troops immediately to beat Dongxiang's people back. "

After hearing Mingyue's words, Qianyeming laughed out loud.

"Then what is the father's plan? Have you sent troops?"

"Emperor Dezheng was furious when he heard about this incident. Because of his wife, the relationship between the Northern Wei Dynasty and South Vietnam was harmonious. Emperor Dezheng expected that with the Northern Wei Dynasty as an ally, Dongyang in the northeast and Xiliang in the northwest would not dare to make any moves, so he sent people to Hangu Pass General Pei, please come back and lead the troops."


Murong Xiao, who was drinking tea, was irritated by Mingyue's serious but extremely cute words.

She really hoped that Murong Qingyu hadn't been pissed off by Emperor Dezheng when he went back.

Obviously, the sturdy civilians surrounded by Dongxiang's army are another private army hidden by Murong Qingyu.After Qian Yechen wiped out his [-] private army, he had to keep the private army here no matter what.

Now that time is life, if you want the private army on that side not to suffer fatal damage, you must immediately send troops to encircle Dongxiang's army from the border, and then cooperate with the inside and outside.This buckle is also solved.

Unexpectedly, while Emperor Dezheng was furious, he sent someone to the far northern border to invite General Pei to come back.When General Pei gathers his troops, I'm afraid the daylilies over there will be cold.

Now that the imperial palace is imminent, Murong Qingyu must sit in charge and control the overall situation.Seeing that his 10,000+ private army is about to be swallowed up, he is afraid that Emperor Dezheng will be ashamed.

Seeing that Murong Xiao was choking on drinking water, Qian Yeming immediately helped her out with consideration.

They all said in private that the Lord has now become a wife slave, but she still doesn't believe it.Looking at the Lord who only has his wife in his eyes now, Mingyue is filled with emotion.The once cold and withdrawn master is long gone, and the woman in front of him has completely melted him with her love.

"My lord, let's wait for their dogs to bite dogs now, is there anything we need to do?"

"Continue to collect information, especially keep an eye on Xiliang. In addition, send people to follow the people of the God Sect, and pay attention to their every move."


"Be careful." At the end, Qian Yeming added a sentence worriedly.

Mingyue said with a smile: "Your Majesty, don't worry, we all take our own lives very seriously. You and your wife can rest and have lunch first, and I will arrange for you to leave the country."

"There's no rush for a day or two. When Bailifeng's health improves a bit, we'll take him out of the city together. He's too dangerous in Xiliang."


After Mingyue left, Murong Xiao gossiped with great interest: "This Mingyue is also pretty and has a good personality. I think she and Jincao are a good match!"

"Why do you suddenly care about Mingyue's lifelong affairs? And you even pulled out the grass..."

Qian Yeming narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked: "You don't know something, do you? Could it be that the two of them have sparks?"

"In my last life, I vaguely felt that Mingyue liked strong grass. Later, on the day we died, the four of them died with you. The situation was critical at that time, and I didn't see clearly what happened to them in the end, but after the strong grass hit the arrow I clearly saw that Mingyue was using her body to help him block the arrows. Mingyue died before Jincao, and I could see that Jincao’s grief at that time was not as simple as the death of his companion.”

Qian Yeming was silent for a moment, and hugged Murong Xiao horizontally: "I will pay attention to their affairs,

(End of this chapter)

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