Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 997 Miss Xue went out...

Chapter 997 Miss Xue went out...

The second time I passed here, he was still here, and the maids continued to have nosebleeds.Passing here for the third time, he was still practicing sword here, and the maids continued to have nosebleeds.

Finally, after passing through here four or five times, the maids automatically detoured and left.

Although the beautiful man is beautiful and delicious, but if he keeps on like this, his life will be lost. It is better for them to see less of this kind of devil figure with needle eyes.

When poor Bailihan realized something was wrong, there was not even a maid who could ask questions.

"Dong Zhe!"

With a roar, Dong Zhe immediately ran in from outside the courtyard.

"Master, what's wrong?"

"I've been scratching my head and posing here for two hours, why hasn't Mixue come out? I've been watched countless times by those maidservants, but I haven't even seen Mixue yet!" Bailihan complained depressedly:

"Didn't that girl get up very early on weekdays? Why don't you get up at this time today?"

Dong Zhe stood there in a daze, and said: "Master, please continue to practice first, don't let people think that you are deliberately embroidering your figure, this subordinate will go and inquire about it for you."

After all, leave immediately.

After a while, Dong Zhe came back.

"How is it? What did you find out? Isn't this girl sick?" Bai Lihan asked with concern.

"That..." Dong Zhe glanced at the master with some guilt, and said, "Master, I just heard from the housekeeper that Miss Mixue and Jincao went out before dawn."

Looking at Bailihan's face that was getting darker and darker, he felt the air around him that dropped to zero in an instant.Dong Zhe started his lightness kung fu and ran away.

"Dong Zhe—"

An angry roar came, and Dong Zhe had already run away.

——————I am the dividing line of happiness—————

It was dark and windy at night, before the rooster crowed, Dong Zhe knocked on Bailihan's door.

Seeing the master's dark handsome face and his appearance of wanting to eat people, Dong Zhe's heart trembled slightly, and he smiled like a dog.

"My lord, this subordinate has already inquired that Miss Mixue and Jincao are going out again early in the morning, but she is still fast asleep and hasn't gotten up yet. Or...you get up now?"

Bailihan looked at the pitch-black sky outside, with a gloomy expression on his face: "You want me to undress and practice martial arts in the middle of the night, are you sure people won't think that I am hunting ghosts outside her yard?"

"Master, it's not that your subordinates say that you can only be a master if you endure hardships. She is already close to the water and is with Mixue every day. If you can't even bear to make such a pitiful meeting time, it's yours. It is estimated that you really have to be single for a lifetime.

My lord, endure hardship and have happiness.No hardship, no happiness.You choose! "

Baili Han cursed Dong Zhe thousands of times in his heart, even though he felt unreliable, he finally got up.He believes that with Dong Zhe's love skills that can handle even Miss Qu, helping him is just a piece of cake.

It's not that it's difficult to deal with Miss Naqu, but that this guy can even deal with Prime Minister Qu, that's really his skill.

At this moment, the maid was still sleeping, and no one helped him tie his hair. Originally, Bailihan was going to do it himself, but Dong Zhe felt that he owed it, so he took the initiative to help Bailihan tie his hair.

"Master, how nice you looked with your hair loose the day before yesterday. Look at Prince Yong, you both look exactly the same. Prince Yong looks exactly like you with his hair loose on weekdays.
(End of this chapter)

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