Days Reborn Reinvented

Chapter 21 Reaching Cooperation

Chapter 21 Reaching Cooperation (1)
"Miss Ling Yue, can't wait to make a film so soon? Although I don't have any hope for Mu Ran, I still have to finish filming the old film before talking about the next one."

Ling Yue chuckled: "Is Mu Ran still in the hospital? He seems to have frequent accidents recently. Director Han forgot to choose Huang Li before filming, right?"

"I used to think that the almanac and everything should go to hell, but now I think that the almanac is really a magical thing. Either the day when I started shooting this movie was not an auspicious day, or Mu Ran committed the Tai Sui this year, or Mu Ran It's not the same as my horoscope, and they restrain each other."

Ling Yue doesn't know if Mu Ran committed Tai Sui or not, but it's true that Mu Ran committed her crime.

"It's really difficult for you to cooperate for the first time, but..." Ling Yue suddenly lowered her voice: "Maybe there will be more difficulties in the future, what do you think, Director Han?"

With just this one sentence, Han Zimo probably knew where Ling Yue was standing, and such a smart person would naturally not make a mistake.

"Oh? It will be more difficult in the future? You are a newcomer and you want to make a big name? You are a girl and you are a new debut. Mu Ran and you are definitely not in a hostile relationship. You shouldn't target him like this, huh? Miss Ouyang. "

Han Zimo didn't shy away from it, and directly called out Ling Yue's full name.Ling Yue raised the corners of her lips silently, this man is really unfathomable, but after meeting her twice, he has already figured out her situation clearly, but on their side, they couldn't find out even with all their strength. People half share the news.

Ling Yue rolled her eyes a few times, and immediately had an idea in her mind, took a deep breath, adjusted her tone to a haughty state, and became savage in her speech.

"Since Director Han knows my identity, he must also be aware of the forces behind me. Why did I enter the entertainment industry? I believe Director Han should have found out about it long ago. I like Mu Ran and want to keep him for myself. .I don't like to share a man with others, let alone share him with thousands of fans."

The other side burst out laughing, and the words became a little disdainful: "Is this your motive? To overthrow Mu Ran and raise him in captivity? It fits Miss Ouyang's character as written in the information."

"If it doesn't match, then it's not me, Ouyang Lingyue, is it? At least, now our interests are interlinked. Is Director Han interested in cooperating?"

"Miss Ling Yue seems to have forgotten that although Mu Ran and I are not at odds, we still have a relationship of interest. His life and death determine my income from this movie, and also determine my own worth and reputation. Tell me, I Why should I destroy myself for an insignificant person like you?"

Ling Yue tapped her fingers on the table, continuing to think about her lies.Someone once said that when you fabricate a lie, you have to use countless lies to complete it.Ling Yue told a huge lie from the very beginning. This lie made her walk on thin ice every step of the way, but she still had to bite the bullet and move forward.

"First of all, I just want to destroy him step by step. I won't let him become a homeless dog all at once, so it won't affect your movie. As long as he wants to, he will still be the dazzling actor this year. Secondly, To you, I am not an insignificant person, but someone who will help you win the actress crown next year, Director Han thinks, I am such an important core figure in your life, is it really just insignificant?"

Ling Yue's tone was full of confidence, but the hand holding the phone was trembling slightly. If you got closer, you could still see her slightly blue fingertips from too much force. Talking to such a man, she couldn't control it. Live tight.

(End of this chapter)

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