Days Reborn Reinvented

Chapter 220 The truth

Chapter 220 The truth (2)
Hearing what Han Zimo said, Ouyang Lingfeng immediately looked surprised.

"You mean...why didn't I think of this level! That's right, if it's a gangster, Xu Xinning didn't offend her at the beginning. The gangster has nothing to do with her, so it's impossible to target her."

"But Caiwei has both the motive and the conditions for committing the crime. Maybe she is the mastermind of the case."

Having said that, the two raised their heads and smiled knowingly.

"It's really hard to find a place to go through iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it."

Han Zimo also stood up at this time, patted his sleeve, and slightly raised the corners of his lips: "How much power can you gather? Although our base camp is not in the country, we have to make waves in the country." It's still relatively easy."

Ouyang Lingfeng also smiled confidently: "It depends on how big the waves you want to ride. As long as they are not turbulent waves that violate world peace, I'm fine."

"Haha! Don't speak too loudly. Call Caiwei over to ask, don't be too rude. What if she is not the murderer." After Han Zimo finished speaking, he stood up and walked out with his mobile phone.

Ouyang Lingfeng was also unambiguous, and he was about to detain Caiwei after a phone call.

Although Caiwei is a big-name star with a strong backing, there are always times when she is alone.

Therefore, when Caiwei, the rumored movie queen, met Ouyang and the Mo family, she could only obediently be caught.

At this moment, she has been taken to the villa of Ouyang's family in the suburbs. She is sitting in the living room, and the "security guard" in a black suit is handing her a cup of hot tea.

Sitting opposite her were Han Zimo and Ouyang Lingfeng, drinking tea leisurely.

Caiwei took a sip of tea, raised her head and still smiled: "The two invited me here so grandly, it must be something important, right? Let me think about it, can the Ouyang family and the Mo family use their power together , I'm afraid it's only Ouyang Lingyue? Or...Xu Xinning?"

Speaking of the three words Xu Xinning, Han Zimo and Ouyang Lingfeng's originally calm expressions turned into astonishment in an instant.

Ling Yue is Xu Xinning's business, and only four people know about it, Han Zimo, Ouyang Lingfeng, Wen Sheng, and He Jiajia.Among these four people, Han Zimo and Ouyang Lingfeng will never disclose the news to anyone, let alone He Jiajia. Although she seems unreliable, it is related to herself, and of course she will not tell it. .The remaining one, Familiar, has long since disappeared and gone to nowhere... How did Caiwei know about this?

No... Familiar with life, disappear!

Han Zimo's anger was ignited in an instant, and they never doubted this man!
Yes, perhaps for Xu Xinning, Familiar is a trustworthy person, because he was with her from beginning to end.But for Han Zimo, Familiarity has always been an outsider!
Seeing that Han Zimo's face changed from astonishment to anger, Caiwei smiled meaningfully.

"Did Young Master Mo think of something? Do you think that you have always been perfect? ​​But you have ignored the most trusted person around Xu Xinning! Hahaha, Xu Xinning is really stupid. It's okay to be killed by one person. He will still fall into his hands even if he lives again!"

"It's still in his hands? You!" Han Zimo suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly dialed Zhang Qi, but he heard Zhang Qi's call first, and Zhang Qi's anxious voice was on the other end of the phone.

"Master, Ling Yue! She was robbed by a black car!"

Han Zimo seemed to have been slapped on the head, and he was stunned for three seconds before yelling at the phone: "Who was robbed? What are you doing for food? Why are you calling me? Hurry up! "

"But young master, we don't have enough manpower, and we were intercepted by... gangsters!" Zhang Qi's voice was still flustered, and Han Zimo's face turned pale because of nervousness, but at this moment, a violent voice came from the phone. The sound of brakes, followed by a loud bang, and the phone turned into a busy tone.

Ouyang Lingfeng knew something must have happened just by listening to the phone, so he hurriedly asked Han Zimo what happened.

Han Zimo said hastily: "Ling Yue has been robbed."

Immediately dialed the mobile phone: "Check for me the location of Zhang Qi's last call, immediately!"

After finishing speaking, she raised her head and was about to hit Caiwei, but Caiwei took out a delicate silent pistol at this moment, smiling so gracefully and complacently.

"Master Mo, Master Ouyang, do you two know what it means to underestimate the enemy? Knowing that I am the young wife of a gangster, you dare to treat me to tea in such a leisurely way? Only enough to sell the color?"

When Han Zimo saw the pistol, he also knew that he underestimated the enemy. Although he and Caiwei are very close now, he also knew that no matter how fast he was, he couldn't beat the gun, not to mention that he didn't know Caiwei's strength in this aspect!

Ouyang Lingfeng didn't expect things to develop to this point, but at least they were ambushing people all around, just because they were afraid that the gangsters would find out and come to save people, so they just need to call people to come here at this moment.

However, at this moment, shouts were heard downstairs.

"Ouyang Lingfeng, as long as you don't tear yourself apart with us, we can stop here. Otherwise, if I put my words here, Qianglong won't be able to mess with local snakes!"

There was shouting outside, but Han Zimo's eyes were fixed on Caiwei. Caiwei smiled confidently, and her proud eyes swept from Ouyang Lingfeng to Han Zimo.

"A strong dragon can't mess with local snakes. It's so simple, I'm afraid Mo Shao doesn't need me to remind..."

Before she finished speaking, Han Zimo took advantage of her not paying attention, strode over, and then kicked Caiwei's hand holding the gun, and covered it when the gun was kicked away. Caiwei's mouth made her unable to scream at all.

The people on Ouyang Lingfeng's side had already caught the falling gun steadily, and the whole process happened in a flash, without the slightest sound of fighting, and everything was easily solved in this way.

Ouyang Lingfeng covered Caiwei's mouth with a towel, and then sealed it with a strip of cloth, then turned his head and gave Han Zimo a thumbs up.

"Young Master Mo is very skillful."

Han Zimo snorted disdainfully: "You're so talented, she's all acting, she wants to show off her acting skills in front of me, I'm the ancestor of acting!"

Ouyang Lingfeng couldn't help laughing when he saw this, and patted Han Zimo on the shoulder: "I didn't expect the director to have such an advantage."

(End of this chapter)

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