Days Reborn Reinvented

Chapter 236 The road with blood and tears

Chapter 236 The road with blood and tears (2)

After filming a scene, the red on the bed sheet hurt everyone's nerves.Even Zeng Feng felt a little chilly, he didn't expect it... at all, he didn't expect it.

When putting on her clothes, Chen Ge's whole arm was shaking, but she didn't shed a single tear.Under everyone's gaze, he tried his best to control his expression, making himself look calm and calm.

She didn't speak, she didn't greet the director, she didn't make eye contact with anyone, she just walked out of the studio with her head held high.

If this is a test for her future, then she accepts it; if this is the ultimate test for her to embark on the road of acting, she accepts it!

If this is what has to be experienced...

As long as this has to be experienced...

The outside world is foggy, and BJ's haze is coming again.

She stumbled and walked all the way, but she didn't know why her feet were moving, and she didn't know where she was going.She tried to tell herself that she couldn't give up, she couldn't be defeated, she had to pick herself up.

But, the tears couldn't stop flowing down.

She took out her mobile phone and wanted to talk to someone, and also wanted someone who could protect her or comfort her.But I searched through the phone's address book, but I didn't know who to contact.

His fingertips slid across the screen, and his eyes finally locked on that name.

Han Zimo.

For some reason, that person's voice and smile suddenly appeared in front of her.

If Ling Yue suffered such a thing, what would happen to that person...

Looking up, a building stands tall. On the upper part of the building, the letters MO are looming in the thick fog.

It's Mo's building.

He should be inside...

By coincidence, she pressed the dial button, and Han Zimo's name was displayed on the screen, and a beautiful ancient song came from the phone, which was Ling Yue's voice.

"Morning song? What do you want me to do?" Han Zimo only picked up the phone after a ringtone ended.His voice was a bit indifferent, but to Chen Ge, it was like a poppy, a fatal attraction.

Something seems to be moving in the heart, and something is about to break out of the cocoon.

But she knew it wasn't right.

So, with the last of her strength, she still called out Ling Yue's name: "Sister Ling Yue...I want to find Sister Ling Yue..."

Han Zimo felt something was wrong when he heard Chen Ge's voice. He was about to ask her, but he heard a heavy sound, as if the phone had dropped to the ground, and then there were panicked voices from the phone.

"Ah, this person fainted!"

Only then did Han Zimo realize that something really happened to Chen Ge.

As soon as he hung up the phone, he immediately turned to Zhang Qi and said, "Go and tell Ling Yue to come to my side. Something must have happened to Chen Ge."

Han Zimo was about to call his friend to see if he could locate Chen Ge's mobile phone, when his office landline rang, and when he picked it up, it was the manager at the front desk.

"Young Master Mo, there is a girl who passed out at the gate of the building. I heard from the onlookers outside that that person's name is Chen Ge, and she is a female star. I remember that Chen Ge and Miss Ling Yue are good friends. Would you like to come down and take a look?"

Hearing that the front desk manager said that Chen Ge had passed out at the door of Mo's Building, Han Zimo was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly told the manager that he would go down immediately and let him deal with it temporarily.

After finishing speaking, he hurried out of the office and took the special elevator directly down to the first floor.

As soon as he got out of the elevator door, he saw a group of people walking towards the lounge around the front desk manager, so he also hurried over.

At this time, Chen Ge, who was being carried by the front desk manager, had completely passed out. She was only wearing a single shirt, her lips were frozen blue and purple, and her arms were hanging limply underneath.

Because Chen Ge was unconscious, she couldn't stop sliding down the front desk manager's back.

Han Zimo became furious when he watched from the side, and rushed over to hug him horizontally: "Your brain was eaten by a dog? She has passed out, so can't you hug her?"

Han Zimo was also startled when he touched Chen Ge.

There was almost no temperature on her body, and her whole body was cold.I don't know what happened to her, but she actually walked on the street wearing only a single piece of clothing, and it seemed that she had been wandering on the street for a long time.

"Prepare hot water, contact Chu Li, tell Chen Ge's situation, and ask him to bring an experienced doctor over. Do you have a quilt? Go and get the camp bed in your lounge, and a thick quilt. Other unrelated personnel continue to return to work."

After Han Zimo said this, the onlookers dispersed immediately. Two men ran to the lounge to carry the camp bed, and another man came over with a quilt.

When Han Zimo saw the bare camp bed, several black lines popped out of his head: "When you took the bed, didn't you know to bring a cushion?"

The two were embarrassed, and hurried to get the cushions again. After they were all tossed, half an hour passed, and Zhang Qi also rushed over with Ling Yue.

As soon as Ling Yue opened the door, she saw a few old men hurriedly settling Chen Ge up. There was hot water on the floor, but they just looked at me and I looked at you, they just didn't know what to do with the hot water. use.

Ling Yue let out a long sigh, walked over in two or three steps, first touched Chen Ge's forehead, then touched her hand, and was startled by her cold temperature.

Turning around, he asked Han Zimo in a low voice: "What's going on?"

Han Zimo also looked blank: "I don't know either. She called me and said she was looking for you. Then, a staff member found her passed out at the gate of the building. When I carried her in, she was wearing a With so little clothes, he should be frozen."

"Is there a hot water bottle? I'll call Chu Li."

As he spoke, he immediately dialed Chu Li's phone number, and he got connected there like a conditioned reflex.

"Hey, Yueyue! I heard that your husband-to-be rescued a girl of unknown origin. You have to be careful, he wants me to bring a doctor to see him! Let me tell you, I brought the doctor there because I have always been loyal to you who succumbed to his lust!"

Hearing Chu Li's babble, Ling Yue really wanted to help her forehead: "Stop talking nonsense, get over here quickly. The girl is frozen, is there any first aid?"

"Rub her body, wipe her with a hot towel, we'll be here soon. Tsk tsk tsk, it's a pity that he wasn't stealing food outside. I heard that the girl looks really good-looking, and the man likes it when he sees it... ..."

Before Chu Li finished speaking, Ling Yue had already hung up in boredom.By the time this chatterbox finishes speaking, it will be dark.

After Ling Yue hung up the phone, she raised her head, met the smile on Han Zimo's lips, and smiled softly: "Chu Li is still like this, full of nonsense."

(End of this chapter)

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