Days Reborn Reinvented

Chapter 241 Give him a lesson

Chapter 241 Give him a lesson (2)

"Speak louder, cry more!" Ling Yue said, walked over and kicked Wang Junxiong again.

Wang Junxiong burst into tears all of a sudden, his face was filled with tears, his nose and tears flowed down a lot, and his voice of apology was ten times louder than before.

"Miss Chenge, I'm sorry! I was wrong!"

Seeing that Wang Junxiong apologized in this way, Ling Yue nodded in satisfaction, raised her head and asked Chen Ge: "How is it? Do you think it's okay?"

It wasn't the first time for Chen Ge to see the violent Ling Yue, so she wasn't shocked at the moment, but she was very moved. She didn't expect Ling Yue to do so much for her.Nodding vigorously, he couldn't say a word.

Ling Yue looked at Chen Ge and nodded, and then turned to ask Zeng Feng: "Have you seen it clearly? What does it mean to apologize sincerely? If you see it clearly, then go."

Zeng Feng lay on the ground, his hands clenched into fists, the veins on his hands were showing, and his forehead was covered with sweat.But Ling Yue knew that unlike Wang Junxiong's cold sweat, the sweat on Zeng Feng's forehead was all from anger.

"What, you still think you're right? Let me tell you! If Chen Ge didn't feel that she had invested too much in this drama, how could you still apologize to her here unharmed?" Ling Yue said, bowing her head and getting closer Zeng Feng's ear, and whispered: "How do you think Su Nuo died? How did Yansheng die? How did Caiwei die? How did Mu Ran die? How do you think you are better than them?" ?”

Every time Ling Yue said a name, Zeng Feng's face turned pale.

Some of these people had news of death, and some suddenly disappeared. He never thought that it was because there was a behind-the-scenes pusher who pushed these people to death bit by bit.

But thinking about it carefully, these people seem to have had some conflicts with Ling Yue.

This thought made Zeng Feng feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar for a moment, and his whole body was on the verge of falling.

Ling Yue is right, compared to these people, what is he, Zeng Feng?He has no influence and no fame, if Ling Yue really wants to get rid of him, with the protection of the Ouyang family and the Mo family, his death will definitely not cause any splashes.

Seeing that the beating was finally in place, Ling Yue slowed down her voice: "How about it, do you want to apologize now?"

Zeng Feng looked up at Ling Yue, this woman was so young and beautiful.But what he saw was a devil-like face of Shura, and he wished he could stay as far away from her as possible.

It took a long time before he found his voice, opened his lips, and wanted to speak, but the dryness of his throat made him cough painfully, coughing and saying: "I'm sorry", and crawling step by step towards Chen Ge not far away. .

"Chen Ge, I'm sorry... I didn't mean it, I'm sorry..."

In fact, Chen Ge was the least willing to face Zeng Feng's apology. She knew that all of this was directed by Wang Junxiong, but she couldn't help but hate Zeng Feng even more.

In the whole crew, she can talk to everyone, at least on the surface.But facing Zeng Feng, she really couldn't control her emotions.

This person...after all, ruined her.

Therefore, Chen Ge didn't look at Zeng Feng, but turned around, and said to Wang Junxiong, "Let's shoot other scenes first, and I will shoot the scene with Zeng Feng's opponent after a while."

Seeing that Chen Ge finally spoke, Wang Junxiong hurried to get up, but suddenly remembered that there was Ouyang Lingyue next to him, so he plopped in fright and knelt back, turned his head to look at Ling Yue, and said hesitantly: "Miss Lingyue ..."

Ling Yue had already told the bodyguards to get up, and she turned around and sat aside: "Look at me, what are you doing? Whatever Chen Ge says is what you say. Just remember, even if I'm not here to watch, what happens here is still in my sight within range."

"You leave these two bodyguards with Chen Ge, I have something to do, I'm leaving first, and I have a program to record." Ling Yue turned and said to Chu Li.

Chu Li readily agreed: "No problem, you can leave at ease, I'll be watching over Chen Ge. I'll wait for her to finish filming and send her back."

"Could it be that you have some intentions for her?" Ling Yue looked at Chu Li inquiringly, and smiled maliciously.

When she said this, Chu Li blushed instead, and shouted loudly: "What nonsense are you talking about! I don't want you to worry about my plans!"

Ling Yue chuckled, "It's as if you haven't talked nonsense before."

Chu Li was embarrassed by what Ling Yue said, so she pushed her away: "Go and do your business, don't you still have to film a movie!"

"Okay, okay, I can't leave. Chenge is in your hands, don't let her be bullied."

After Ling Yue finished speaking, she left with Zhang Qi.

Chu Li didn't know why Ling Yue insisted on defending Chen Ge so much, but when he turned around, he saw Chen Ge who was already sitting in front of the vanity mirror and putting on makeup. understand what.

"Are you really able to film? It's been hung for a week, that is, ordinary people lie down for a week and their whole body becomes weak. You don't let your body adapt, and you just start such a high-intensity work? As your attending doctor Master, I think this is very bad."

Chen Ge gave Chu Li a supercilious look through the mirror. The attending physician is obviously an intern who specializes in doing chores for senior doctors.Her attending physician is obviously the elderly doctor, and has nothing to do with Chu Li.

Also, does this young master really have nothing else to do? Why is he pestering her every day?

"I have my own plans. Moreover, I have already agreed with my agent that I will not schedule too tight announcements this month, so I won't be very tired. I am not ready for my real debut yet, so I want to adjust my mentality first. .” She was not ready to face the public in such a state, so she asked a senior she knew before to find her a job as a resident singer in a bar.

It's clear, it's very quiet, it's suitable for her current state, and she can also think and settle slowly in the music.

"I already know about your asking seniors to help you find a job. Why don't you tell me or Ling Yue directly? No matter how bad it is, you can talk to Han Zimo."

Not long after Chu Li got to know Chen Ge, he began to follow her in an all-round way.

Do you believe in love at first sight?Chu Li's current state is probably like this.

Chen Ge was not at all surprised that Chu Li would investigate her.After all, in her eyes, people from these big families are unreasonable, and they must be investigating other people's affairs everywhere.

But when Chu Li mentioned Han Zimo, Chen Ge was slightly taken aback and didn't say anything else.

After all, she also knows that some people are doomed to fail, and some bottom lines are doomed to be untouchable.

(End of this chapter)

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