Chapter 243

The person here is Chenge.

She was singing at the bar, and the TV in the bar happened to be showing the Golden Eagle Festival, so she sang and watched.

Unexpectedly, the moment Ling Yue took the stage, her style of painting changed suddenly. After seeing the video released by VCR, she realized that things were not as simple as she imagined.

Without any hesitation, she dropped the guitar in her hand, went out, hailed a taxi, and ran to the shooting scene.

Because she was afraid that she would be stopped by the security guards in the live broadcast room, she even called Chu Li specifically to help her find someone to open the back door.

That's why the scene of her standing at the door of the live broadcast room appeared.

Ling Yue, who was standing on the stage, saw Chen Ge standing at the door panting, and was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect her to appear here. She was stunned for ten seconds, and then suddenly shouted at her: "What are you doing here? ?go back!"

She knew what kind of impact this incident would have on her, and she also knew that it would be impossible for her to become a queen and stand at the top of the entertainment industry again.She also understands that as long as Chen Ge is willing to share a little bit for her, she will be the party of justice and be forgiven.

But at this moment, she didn't want Chen Ge to be involved at all.

She didn't want Chen Ge to suffer this kind of pain!

She knew how painful it would be to tear off all her clothes and expose everything about herself in public.Therefore, she yelled at Chen Ge and asked her to go back.

Han Zimo finally stood up and walked to Ling Yue.

At this moment, he couldn't let Ling Yue face all this alone.

Chen Ge was reprimanded by Ling Yue, and her steps stopped slightly, but she still walked forward unswervingly.

Ling Yue suddenly felt dizzy under her feet, and she almost couldn't stand still.She can laugh at everyone's attacks on her, but she can't let Chen Ge show up at this time.

At this moment, Han Zimo held Ling Yue's hand.He lowered his head and put it next to her ear.

He said: "It's best for you to let Chen Ge clarify the matter. Although I haven't looked at my phone right now, there must be a lot of public opinion outside."

Ling Yue knew that Han Zimo was kind to her, and she knew that no matter what this man did, he always started from her.

But only this time, she didn't want to accept it.

Chen Ge is a good girl, she doesn't want to sacrifice Chen Ge to perfect herself.

She told Chen Ge over and over again, don't come over.But Chen Ge just smiled and walked towards her with a smile.

"Do you have a microphone, please lend me one..." Chen Ge walked to the end of the steps and said softly to the staff.

As soon as the voice fell, someone came over immediately and handed over the microphone. She took it with a smile, looked into the microphone and coughed twice, and then walked onto the stage.

"First of all, I would like to congratulate sister Ling Yue for winning the Newcomer Award." Chen Ge said, opening her arms and giving Ling Yue a big hug.

Suddenly, Ling Yue hugged Chen Ge tightly, not wanting to let go at all: "It's enough to have your congratulations, I don't need you to talk here, please go back obediently, okay?"

Chen Ge chuckled and looked up at Ling Yue: "Sister, if I was that kind of ungrateful person, would you still be friends with me back then? You can do this for me, and I can do more for you. many."

As Chen Ge said, she broke free from Ling Yue's embrace, turned around and faced the audience, her voice was as peaceful and quiet as ever.

"Do you all think Miss Ling Yue is bad? I'm here to tell you the truth about this video. Director, can audiences across the country see me now? Can they hear what I say?"

The director gave an ok gesture from the side.

Although the entire show was ruined right now, the ratings were soaring all the way, even catching up with the Spring Festival Gala.In fact, on the surface he looked heartbroken about what happened to Ling Yue, but in his heart he was extremely happy.

Chen Ge saw the director's gesture, and then began to tell the whole story.

"Everyone probably knows that I passed out at the door of the Mo's Building a month ago. Regarding what Sister Ling Yue did, we have to start from that day..."

Then, Chen Ge told what happened that day, how she was deceived by the director, how she was pushed into the abyss by Zeng Feng, how indifferent the surrounding staff were, and why she passed out in the Mo's Building , What happened after waking up, every detail was vividly said.

From the beginning to the end, Chen Ge didn't have any emotional fluctuations, the mechanical voice seemed to be retelling other people's stories.

However, there is such an emotion around her, which is clearly conveyed to everyone present and the audience in front of the TV and computer through her words, that emotion is called: despair.

"Sister Ling Yue and I are very good friends, so not long after my accident, she took me to the production crew, taught them a good lesson, and came to vent my anger. I know that the way she adopted is not approved by you. But, also Please think about it, if this happened to you, if it happened to your friends, girlfriends, or relatives, how would you behave?"

The audience present were shocked by the truth at this moment.

They did not expect that the actual situation was like this.

Ling Yue snatched the microphone from Singer Chen, hugged her into her arms, glanced coldly at the audience, and then fixed her gaze on the camera: "Are you satisfied with this? Are you satisfied?" Do you just like looking at other people's scars?"

Chen Ge leaned on Ling Yue's shoulder, her dress was wet with tears.

Ling Yue felt that the clothes on her shoulders were wet, and she felt sad for a while. She didn't know how to comfort Chen Ge, so she could only raise her hand to attach her back.

Han Zimo stood aside, holding Ling Yue's hand, but she shook it off without a trace, which made Han Zimo stunned for a moment, and then he realized that Ling Yue was angry because of this incident.

Because, instead of taking Chen Ge away immediately, he used Chen Ge to restore Ling Yue's reputation.

He knew that Ling Yue might have an affair with him.However, if this happened again, he would still choose to give up Chenge to save Ling Yue, even if Ling Yue would bear his hatred, even if everyone called him cold-blooded and cold-hearted, it didn't matter.

As long as it is for the good of Ling Yue, even if he sacrifices everything, he will not hesitate.

"Things have been clarified, let's go too." Seeing Chen Ge crying in Ling Yue's arms, Han Zimo didn't know how to end this matter, so he had to remind him aloud.

Chen Ge raised her head when she heard Han Zimo's reminder, and smiled at Ling Yue embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I lost control. Let this matter go like this, sister, let's go."

Ling Yue also slightly raised the corners of her lips towards Chenge, her smile was full of bitterness, she raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her cheeks, her voice trembling a little: "I'm sorry, I still can't protect you..."

 First of all, I don't agree with Han Zimo's approach.It is also expected that there should be friends who do not agree, so here is an explanation.

  Han Zimo's whole heart is for Ling Yue's good, and such fiery feelings will always burn others and himself.Regarding this chapter, I struggled with it for two days, and finally chose to write it like this.I'm sorry, I forced Han Zimo into this situation, so he had to choose between selfishness and morality.

  It's brutal, but also realistic.

  Maybe his choice made many people disagree, but who has made no mistakes, and who is a saint from birth?After all, no one is perfect.So, this time I want to forgive him for being like this, still like him, let him grow up slowly, and finally grow into what we want to see.

(End of this chapter)

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