Days Reborn Reinvented

Chapter 254 The Engagement on New Year's Eve

Chapter 254 The Engagement on New Year's Eve

The next morning, oh no, it should be noon, Ling Yue opened her sleepy eyes, and Han Zimo was sleeping next to her, and she didn't intend to wake up right now.She touched the mobile phone by the bedside, opened it, and screamed in fright.

"It's already this time! It's over, it's over, I can't catch up with the filming! The director is coming!"

This scream woke up Han Zimo in an instant. He sat up suddenly from the bed, picked up Ling Yue, and looked around vigilantly: "What's the matter, what happened? I'll protect you!"

Ling Yue turned her head and saw Han Zimo, whose hair was sleeping like a chicken coop, and his eyes were not opened, his eyes were almost closed, and he burst out laughing: "Zimo, you...! Hahaha! "Why so cute.

Hearing Ling Yue's laughter, Han Zimo opened his eyes and found that there was no danger at all. Ling Yue laughed beside him and sighed: "Why are you so naughty? What do you call it in the morning?" Well, the souls that are scared by you are about to fall out."

Ling Yue held the phone in front of him, pointed to the time on it: "Look, what time is it, I have to go to the set to film."

Han Zimo looked at the screen of the phone, he relaxed, and hugged Ling Yue back into the quilt: "What do I think, Zhang Qi must have asked for leave for you a long time ago, don't worry. And , I gave you so much money as the director, it’s too inhuman for him not to let you take a day off. Besides, knowing that we are newlyweds, he will definitely let you go, don’t worry.”

"But..." Ling Yue wanted to continue to defend herself, but Han Zimo kissed her on the lips, making her unable to make any more sound.

After tasting, Han Zimo patted her cheek with a smile: "You have to be good like this. I was so energetic in the morning. Could it be that I didn't work hard enough yesterday? Your husband is exhausted. Be good. Let's sleep a little longer."

After being told by Han Zimo, Ling Yue felt a little dissatisfied, and lay down with a blushing face, but she couldn't sleep even after this time, so she had to lie under the quilt and play with her phone.

Opened Sina Weibo, the popular Weibo and topics were all related to her and Han Zimo.

But there was such a discordant voice, the topic was called: What does Han Zimo's non-response mean.

Out of curiosity, Ling Yue clicked in and took a look. The recommended Weibo said:

Mo Shao finally proposed to Ling Yue. This should be a very happy thing, and our fans are also very happy for Ling Yue, but there is one thing that is really strange, why both Ling Yue and her manager posted on Weibo, while Mo Shao's weibo didn't move at all?Is this just a coincidence?Or, this is simply a show for Ling Yue, the real purpose is just to promote Ling Yue's album, Mo Shao agreed because of face or the pressure of Ouyang's family, but he didn't really agree at all?

After yesterday's marriage proposal, last night's sympathy, and Han Zimo's pampering this morning, Ling Yue is in a good mood and can fly to the sky. Seeing this Weibo topic now is like swallowing a Like a fly, he almost dropped the phone.

Moreover, she didn't even know what Weibo she had posted since yesterday, and what the hell was written here!
Ling Yue clicked on her Weibo to check, and then saw the two Weibo posts about marriage proposal and album that Zhang Qi posted on her behalf yesterday.In addition, there was an article this morning, which was a statement stating that Zhang Qi posted the Weibo on his own initiative.Apparently, Zhang Qi also saw the hot topic that suspected Han Zimo's Weibo of not responding, and then explained this to the public.There is also a letter of apology from Zhang Qi attached to the Weibo, regarding Ling Yue's unauthorized use of her Weibo without Ling Yue's consent, a letter of apology to Ling Yue and the public.

Seeing this, Ling Yue became even more angry, and kicked Han Zimo, who was already asleep, and patted his face when he saw that he was still awake, but he just frowned, showing no intention of waking up at all. .

Ling Yue simply didn't do anything, just lay on Han Zimo's body, and said in a whiny voice: "Husband, don't sleep, I'm bored..." After finishing speaking, she kissed his lips.

Han Zimo actually woke up when Ling Yue kicked him, and then he just pretended to sleep to see what she was going to do, but Ling Yue would kiss him directly.The moment Ling Yue kissed his lips, Han Zimo secretly laughed in his heart. He immediately opened his eyes and turned over while hugging Ling Yue, making the kiss even more lingering.

"Be good, what do you keep telling me to do? You even used a beauty trick."

Ling Yue didn't expect that Han Zimo was awake in the first place, and now he was kissed in a daze, and his whole body became sluggish.Han Zimo smiled and patted her cheek: "What's the matter, silly? I've never heard that kissing can make people's IQ drop."

Hearing Han Zimo's joke, Ling Yue turned over and pushed his chest angrily: "You've been pretending to be asleep and watching Weibo. Yesterday Zhang Xun posted on my Weibo about your proposal to me." Weibo, but you didn't respond, and this matter became a hot topic, so you should respond quickly to shut their mouths."

"So it's because of this? Don't you have my mobile phone and Weibo? It's fine if you can't reply by yourself. You even kicked me up, saying that I'm tired, and you don't feel sorry for me at all." Although Han Zimo said so, but he had already got out of bed to get his mobile phone.

After swiping through Weibo, he naturally saw the hot topic, frowned involuntarily, and typed a word on the phone.

"Those people who question others like crazy, are you idle? Have you ever seen someone propose to his wife, and after the wife agrees, he still has time to post Weibo to show off? Isn't it supposed to enjoy the night time? Even this I don’t understand common sense, you deserve to be single for 1 years. Early in the morning, you ruined my wife’s mood, and the consequences of my anger are very serious@欧阳玲悦亲妇妻[爱你][爱你]”

Then, he posted another Weibo: "On the eve of New Year's Eve, we will hold an engagement ceremony with Ling Yue. All relatives and friends remember to attend. We will send you an invitation. Remember to receive the invitation letter."

Then, after both Weibo posts were sent out, Han Zimo turned around and looked at Ling Yue with a look of inviting pets: "Honey, did I do well? Is there any reward?"

Just as Ling Yue was about to speak, the phone rang.

Then, without even saying hello, Lin Zhihao roared like killing a pig.

Well, it was a roar of rage and despair.

"Ah! It was clearly agreed that I would attend the engagement ceremony! Do you have to choose it on the 31st day! Do you have to choose it on the night of the 31st day! Do you dare to swear to God, have you really thought about it? Me! I have a rehearsal on the afternoon of the 31st, and a live broadcast of the New Year’s Eve party in the evening! You two are worth a thousand dollars, and that’s what you did to me!"

Ling Yue was stunned. Of course, she was more stunned by Lin Zhihao's loud scream.

It took a while to remember that I seemed to have discussed Lin Zhihao's matter with Han Zimo yesterday, but after a night of hard work, I had long forgotten about this matter.

Reluctantly help the forehead.

Ling Yue handed the phone to Han Zimo cowardly.

"You do it……"

During this process, Lin Zhihao still yelled angrily: "Why don't you talk! I know you are here! I'm going to be pissed off by you!"

Han Zimo coughed twice after answering the phone, and put on a serious look: "Xiaozhi, what are you yelling at? Your sister called you yesterday and wanted to tell you about this, but you didn't answer."

"What the hell time is that! It's past twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, everyone is asleep, okay?"

Hearing Lin Zhihao say that everyone was asleep, Han Zimo smiled contemptuously: "No, we were not asleep at that time."

Lin Zhihao on the other end of the phone immediately blushed: "What the hell! Hooligan! Ah! You old hooligan!"

"You've been thinking about these irrelevant things in your head all day, does your Jia Chengfeng know? Hmm? Shall I tell him..."

Before Han Zimo finished speaking, Lin Zhihao on the other end of the phone hung up angrily.Only an arrogant snort remained.

Ling Yue took her mobile phone uncertainly, what kind of call did Han Zimo answer, the matter has not been resolved at all, okay?So, can Lin Zhihao come to the engagement banquet, and should they change the engagement time?


How do these two people communicate!
So Ling Yue called Lin Zhihao again.

Lin Zhihao was obviously confused by Han Zimo just now, and now he is still panting after answering the phone.

"Hey! You're still calling, don't answer!"

Ling Yue has black lines on her face, this is the legend: Say no to it, but the body is still very honest?
While talking about not answering the phone, he talked to her on the phone.

"Xiaozhi, it's me."

Hearing Ling Yue's voice, Lin Zhihao immediately pursed his lips aggrievedly, wishing he could rush over to give Ling Yue a big bear hug: "Sister, brother-in-law bullied me again! I want to attend your engagement ceremony! I don't care about me." No matter, I'm going to attend your engagement ceremony. Can you relax the time of the engagement banquet? I'm going to Zhejiang Satellite TV for this New Year's Eve party. It's far away. But, I'm opening at 08:30 There is nothing to do when it is over, and then fly to BJ, about ten o'clock, and then rush to your side...Anyway, you are not allowed to end before twelve o'clock!"

Ling Yue's mouth grew wide, and she had never heard of any celebrity who went to the New Year's Eve party and ran away after singing.

"You are a newcomer who just debuted, and if you ran away before the show was recorded, people would say you were playing big names."

"Then let me talk to the director team. It doesn't matter if I'm deducted from the appearance fee. Anyway, just remember not to finish before twelve o'clock. I will definitely rush there!"

After Lin Zhihao finished speaking, he hummed heavily to himself, as if saying to himself: That's it.

Ling Yue had no choice but to agree to the matter.

Then I hung up the phone and let out a long sigh: "It's finally done. The new album was released yesterday. I don't know how the ratings are. The rankings should not come out until tomorrow, right?"

Han Zimo had already put on his clothes, got up and washed, and handed a cup of hot water to Ling Yue.

"Well, the hot topics and headlines on Weibo in the past two days are all yours, and the ratings of the album will never be bad, don't worry. The songs you recorded are all very good, and they are all songs accepted by the public , the lyrics are also very resonant, don't worry."

Hearing what Han Zimo said, Ling Yue felt relieved.

In fact, for the first time to release an album, she still has some uncertainties in her heart. She is very afraid that the results this time will be too far from her own results five years ago, and there will be a huge gap.

She was also afraid that after Han Zimo's hype, she still wouldn't be able to reach the height she wanted.

People always worry about gains and losses.

Han Zimo also saw her state, and rubbed her hair with a smile: "What are you thinking, so lost in thought. You don't trust others, don't you trust me? Don't say that you are a queen level, even if you are an innocent Acting skills, a stupid woman with no voice, no talent, no art, no beauty, I can also make her popular."

Speaking of this, Ling Yue rolled her eyes without a doubt.

This person is, bragging never drafts.

However, what you say is always reassuring.

(End of this chapter)

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