Days Reborn Reinvented

Chapter 288 After the Little Farewell

Chapter 288 After the Little Farewell (1)

The next day, Ling Yue sat in front of her dresser, looking through this drawer and then that drawer, but she couldn't pick out a few things she liked.Although He Jiajia has many kinds of cosmetics, there is no one that Ling Yue is familiar with.A few days ago, she just put on makeup casually and went out. Anyway, when she needs to do a show, a makeup artist will come to apply makeup for her.

But today she wants to see Han Zimo.

So, I really wanted to dress up carefully, but in the end I lingered in front of the dressing table, picking and choosing all morning, but I couldn't get this makeup done well.Until Ouyang Lingfeng couldn't stand it anymore, so he called a makeup girl from a company to come over, and put on Ling Yue's exquisite and suffocating makeup while Ling Yue was surprised.

When Ouyang Lingfeng came over dragging a long dress, Ling Yue almost jumped up from the chair in fright.

"You want me to wear such an exaggerated dress? I'm just going to shoot a scene."

Ouyang Lingfeng looked at the skirt in his hand, and then at Ling Yue: "You were so busy early in the morning, I thought you were going to attend some important ceremony. You were also filming a few days ago, why didn't I see you so irritable .”

Ling Yue looked at herself in the mirror, her face flushed red.

"Go to work quickly, don't worry about me, I'll just wear whatever I want."

After finishing speaking, he drove Ouyang Lingfeng and his exaggerated dress out of the room, then turned around and continued to discuss with the makeup girl what to wear today to make her stand out from the crowd.

If you wear whatever clothes you want, it has been swallowed without hesitation.

On the other hand, Han Zimo, who was at Mo's house, had been looking for various suits and ties at home since six o'clock in the morning, and changed no less than twenty sets in total.Mo Zixin stood at the door of his bedroom with a sleepy face and yawned again and again.

"What are you going to do today? The company heard that you have asked for leave? As a boss, you are still asking for leave at such a critical time. Last night, my executives and I were busy until three o'clock in the morning. Your boss is twelve o'clock in the evening. I'm off work, and I still ask for leave today, is it enough to set an example?"

That being said, he also worked very hard when he got off work at twelve o'clock in the evening, okay?

"Clean up quickly and go to work. There is coffee downstairs, don't go to the office like a hangover. I have something to do today, and I will go to the office tomorrow." Han Zimo looked at himself wearing a tie in the mirror, and felt that it was too formal. Pull off the tie again.

"Have you lost your mind or are you flooded? You're not attending any formal occasion, nor are you going to attend some meeting. Isn't it just going to pick someone up from the director's house? As for changing suits one by one?"

Mo Zixin wanted to continue complaining, but Han Zimo turned around with a serious face, looking straight at her: "How do you know?"

"Why are you in such a hurry? It was Xiaopang who said it. You tricked people like that, and you still don't allow them to gossip about me? Don't worry, no one knows about this except Xiaopang and me."

Hearing what Mo Zixin said, Han Zimo turned around, thought about it carefully, and decided to take off his suit. He was about to unbutton the shirt inside with his fingers when he saw in the mirror that he was still staring at the suit. Looking at him, Mo Zixin drove people out viciously: "I'm changing clothes, what are you still looking at here, take advantage of me!"

Mo Zixin was pushed to go out, and was amused by Han Zimo's actions: "Why are you ashamed, I have never seen what you were like when you were a child. Let me tell you, just unbutton half of it like this, the sexiest , I guarantee that Yueyue will like it! You just wear a thicker down jacket outside, take off the down jacket when you enter the room, just light the dry wood and fire, and you're done!"

By the time she finished speaking, Han Zimo had already slammed the door shut.

Hearing the sound of Mo Zixin's footsteps walking away, Han Zimo breathed a sigh of relief, looked at himself in the mirror, and imagined that he was wrapped in a thick down jacket and dressed like a ball, facing Ling As soon as Yue took off her clothes, she suddenly thought of the strange uncle who lied to children to eat lollipops, and felt a chill, and couldn't help complaining in her heart, but she didn't expect Mo Zixin to like this type.

In the end, he decided to dress casually. He chose a white sweater, put a knitted sweater on it, and a coat on the outside and went out.

Mo Zixin shook her head behind him: "After choosing for a long time, it's not as good as what I usually wear."

 I didn't meet each other in this chapter, I ate my own words... There will be a second update today, so we must let them meet today! [make a fist! ]

(End of this chapter)

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