Days Reborn Reinvented

Chapter 291 After the Little Farewell

Chapter 291 After the Little Farewell (4)

If he didn't know that Peng Xiang and Han Zimo were nothing at all, Ling Yue would have gone mad by now.

Since Peng Xiang and Han Zimo didn't want to confront her for the time being, she didn't want to rush to join in the fun either.

In this way, the opening ceremony began in a small courtyard in BJ, because the important scene that Ling Yue was going to shoot was set in the courtyard.

There were banners and cut red ropes at the scene. There were staff who came to help with scissors, and some were in charge of lighting firecrackers.A little girl holding a notebook stands out among this group of busy workers.

The little girl had big eyes and big eyes, with a staff member's sign hanging on her chest, but she didn't do any work at all. Instead, she held her notebook and kept staring at Han Zimo who was standing beside Peng Xiang.

Ling Yue glanced around after entering the door, and immediately noticed the little girl.But she just glanced at her and didn't pay any more attention. After all, the most indispensable thing in the entertainment industry is this kind of fans.

She turned to look at Han Zimo, who was directing the staff to do things.He is really a workaholic, remembering to work no matter what.Obviously he is no longer a director, but he is still dictating other people's studios.

She turned her gaze to Peng Xiang, but found that Peng Xiang seemed a little dazed, staring blankly at the red rope not far away, without making any movements.

Ling Yue felt bored, and was about to look away, when Peng Xiang came to his senses and looked up at Han Zimo who was busy.

That glance made Ling Yue frown.

She has acted in too many dramas and knows how to express her true feelings with her eyes.And the moment Peng Xiang looked at Han Zimo, the admiration and seriousness in her eyes made her think a little more.

However, Peng Xiang's attached gaze to Han Zimo was withdrawn in an instant.

So, when Ling Yue wanted to take a closer look, she couldn't see anything.

As soon as nine o'clock arrived, Peng Xiang and Han Zimo walked to the red rope together. The staff held the scissors and placed them in front of Peng Xiang and Han Zimo, meaning that they should share the same scissors.Han Zimo stared at the scissors for a while, caught a glimpse of Ling Yue looking at him out of the corner of his eye, picked it up with a smile and handed it to Peng Xiang, with a slight alienation in his gestures and gestures, but people couldn't fault it.

Knowing that Han Zimo didn't want to have any ambiguous physical contact with her, Peng Xiang felt a little sour, but she hid it well and took the scissors with a smile.

The ribbon-cutting was carried out amidst the sound of firecrackers, and all the staff applauded together.

Ling Yue's expression was a little displeased. As a queen-level figure who has been acting for more than ten years, if she said that she is the ancestor of acting, I am afraid no one would refute it.What Peng Xiang showed just now and the presentation of her inner world, Ling Yue saw everything in her eyes.

Now she believed more and more that Peng Xiang might not be as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Peng Xiang admired and admired Han Zimo, the point of envy.

She knew that such an early inference was unfair to Peng Xiang, but she was more willing to trust her intuition as a woman when it came to judging feelings.

"Miss San has really become more and more rampant these days. If you want me to say, let's just make a scene. You don't have a shortage of scenes to shoot, and I don't want to work for this kind of director."

Ling Yue was concentrating on Peng Xiang's matter, when she suddenly heard someone say this in Nian's ear, she turned her head to look, and it turned out that it was Ai Ke who came to her side at some point.

I don't know if it's because Aike hit her heart or what, Ling Yue suddenly has a fascination with Aike, and responds with a light smile: "The contract has been signed, if you go back on it, you will be charged liquidated damages. Although I'm not short of money, I don't want to treat myself badly because of others. Once I stand here, I'm already disgusting her."

(End of this chapter)

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