Days Reborn Reinvented

Chapter 306 Big News Event

Chapter 306 Big News Event (5)

In the hospital, Ling Yue was still asleep, and Ai Ke and Peng Xiang left first because they still had something to do.

In such a huge room, only Zhang Qi was by his side, so it was somewhat deserted.

However, the sleeping Ling Yue didn't know anything about this.

When Han Zimo arrived at the hospital, he was stopped by the nurse, saying that the patient needs to rest now, and there are too many people coming, so he should come after the patient wakes up.

Grandpa Mo pulled Mo Zixin and was about to leave: "Go and see Xiaoyue, Xin'er and I will go first." Then, he turned to the nurse and asked politely: "The one lying inside is his wife, did you check her?" I'm pregnant, please accommodate me and let him in."

Mo Zixin put the bag in Han Zimo's hand: "For Yueyue, remember to bring it for me. Grandpa and I are waiting for you to take her home."

After finishing speaking, he left with Grandpa Mo.

This is the Mo family's behavior style, a polite gentleman, and will not use his power to highlight his superiority unless it is absolutely necessary.

The nurse looked at Han Zimo, and then led him into the ward: "I know the one in there, he is a popular star recently, his name is Ouyang Lingyue."

This little nurse obviously doesn't pay much attention to celebrity gossip, otherwise she wouldn't know Han Zimo.

Han Zimo nodded hastily: "Yes, she is my fiancee."

The nurse nodded and led him to the ward: "The patient suffered from severe sleep deprivation and was very tired. He fell again, and the child in his stomach was almost lost. You should be more careful in the future."

Han Zimo nodded, pushed open the door, and saw Zhang Qizheng sitting by the hospital bed and swiping his phone.

Lying on the hospital bed was the pale Ling Yue.

Although it's only been half a day since I saw him, but now I feel in a trance that it's been so long for centuries.

He walked forward quickly, trying to control his steps, for fear that the noise of walking would wake her up.

When he finally came to her, thinking of what the nurse had said to him, the patient was very tired and had severe lack of sleep, and he was full of self-blame.I thought she could take care of herself, but forgot that she was a workaholic.

He sat beside her and traced her cheeks with his eyes. It was the first time he saw the color after removing makeup for so long.

There are black shadows under the eye sockets, his face is pale and bloodless, and the lips that usually look rosy are also colorless now, and even a little peeling.

It was because he was too careless, thinking that the state of seeing Ling Yue every day was the state of her own when she was at home, but he didn't expect such a haggard look to be hidden under the heavy makeup.

Ling Yue didn't sleep well at first, but now she felt a change of breath around her, so she opened her eyes, and then saw Han Zimo staring at her without saying a word, showing his face With a smile: "You pull."

Han Zimo's thousands of words were stuck in his throat, and he couldn't utter a single word.

He wanted to say sorry for making her suffer for so many days.I also want to report my results to her.However, seeing Ling Yue's smiling face, he couldn't say a word.

It wasn't until Ling Yue put his palm on his lower abdomen and felt the ups and downs of her breathing that he looked at her in a daze, and murmured "Huh?"

"Here, there is me and your baby. You touch it, our baby."

Han Zimo didn't feel anything, and felt that her lower abdomen didn't even have a few ounces of flesh, but seeing Ling Yue's happy smile, he still felt it seriously.

 Continue to update today~~~

(End of this chapter)

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