Days Reborn Reinvented

Chapter 7 Unexplained amnesia

Chapter 7 Unexplained amnesia (2)
The old doctor probably saw her helplessness, and hurried to Ouyang Lingfeng to make a rescue: "Looking at Ling Yue, she didn't lie, she can only say that our medicine is not developed enough. Moreover, there are many things in this world It's inexplicable."

Ouyang Lingfeng nodded dubiously, his eyes were not as serious as before.

"Since we can't find out, I'll take Yueyue to get an IV first. Yueyue's health is not good, so I'm probably very tired after all this trouble."

With that said, Ouyang Lingfeng walked up to Ling Yue, helped her up and walked to the advanced ward.

The advanced ward and the examination room are very close to each other for the convenience of inpatient examinations.Walking in the white-painted corridor, there was almost no one in sight, only the three of them's footsteps could be heard, accompanied by a small echo.Ling Yue thought with some mischief, if she came out at night to pretend to be a ghost or something, it would definitely scare people.

On the way, Ouyang Lingfeng answered a call, probably something happened to the company here, and he was asked to go there quickly.

Ling Yue already knew that Ouyang Lingfeng was working in Shanghai, the headquarters of Ouyang family business in China, and this time she flew to BJ to see her because of her accident.

And she, Ouyang Lingyue, was originally learning how to manage a company from Ouyang Lingfeng in Shanghai, but she ran away halfway and ran to her family's villa in the suburbs of BJ (Ms. Ouyang said it was a villa, although in Ling Yue's eyes , which is clearly a large castle).

By chance, Miss Ouyang drove to the Forbidden City to play, just in time for Mu Ran to be filming, and since then her enthusiasm for Mu Ran was out of control, and what happened later.

Ling Yue looked at her current elder brother Ouyang Lingfeng, a boy in his twenties, but it was not easy to support the entire Ouyang family's business in China, and it was really hard for him to always care about a spoiled and willful younger sister up.

"Brother, if you have something to do, go back first. I'll take a drip here and it won't get in the way. You can go home by yourself in a while."

Although she knew that with Miss Ouyang's character, she would never say such comforting words, Ling Yue still said it. Even though she occupied a 20-year-old skin, she was still independent in her bones, and she would not give it to anyone. Xu Xinning, who caused trouble.

Hearing Ling Yue's words, Ouyang Lingfeng was stunned for a moment, shook his head, still helped her into the ward, helped her to lie down, and said while helping her cover the quilt: "There is an executive board of directors and my assistant secretary in Shanghai. Management, if you can't even handle these small things well, you don't need such a high salary to support them."

Regarding company management, maybe Miss Ouyang in the past knew a little bit, but now Ling Yue doesn't understand at all, so she didn't speak, but closed her eyes slightly, curled her lips, and said softly: " Well, I want to drink Polygonatum Polygonatum Pork Rib Soup tonight."

Hearing Ling Yue's words, Ouyang Lingfeng smiled, and patted her on the head lovingly: "You, you have lost your memory, but you still remember the recipes. I'll call and ask Aunt Mei to do it."

Chu Li curled her lips in disdain: "I don't know this stinky girl, she can't forget to eat even if she forgets everything. Everyone in your family is a workaholic, why did you give birth to such an unreliable genetic mutation?"

"I'm tired, and I'm too lazy to talk to you." Ling Yue also curled her lips, this brat was targeting her specially, she is an old lady, she is not interested in bickering with a brat.

Chu Li saw that Ling Yue closed her eyes, looking drowsy, and she felt bored, so she simply shut up too.

The whole afternoon passed in sleep like this, and the wheel of fortune quietly turned at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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