Chapter 1008

After reading the content above, and then looking at her, Han Jing stood there for a long time, just standing there without saying anything.

Later, later, there is no later.

Lei Guo died, Feng Qianyu didn't kill those members of the royal family, Fire Emperor exiled them all, and Han Jing buried Lei Lian.

The country of Lei was divided into half by the country of wood and the country of fire.

That year Feng Qianyu was six years old, but she was an empress that everyone in the world knew.

She killed people like hemp, and led the Mu country to swallow half of the Lei country.

She had a kind heart, even though she took over Lei Guo, she didn't attack the people.

Various rumors flowed into several countries.

I thought that if Lei Country was accepted, Tu Country and Water Country would be quieter, but who knew that these two countries not only did not calm down, but also intensified their actions.

From their point of view, the Mu and Huo countries must have lost a lot of troops when they captured the Lei country, and now is the day for them to attack with all their strength.

"Your Majesty, the army of the Tu country and the army of the Mu country are approaching." Han Jing said lightly. After the death of the Lei country, His Majesty appointed him as the general of the Mu country, the same position as Murong Tian. It is useless for them to object to a decision.

"Han Jing, send someone to the country of fire, and tell them that the country of earth will be handed over to them, and the country of water will be dealt with by us, the country of wood." Feng Qianyu said casually while writing something with a pen.

Water is the nemesis of fire, and he must be very happy to let Fire Emperor and the others deal with Tu Kingdom.

"Yes." Han Jing responded and left.

After Han Jing left, Feng Qianyu put down her pen again, sighed lightly, how many people would die if they attacked the country?

Is the throne so attractive?

Three days later, Di Yexuan withdrew the killing and trapping formations, brought out all the trapped people, and locked them in the ground.

Afterwards, those people were pressed back to the capital, while Di Yexuan and Feng Qianyu went to the water country.

Feng Qianyu received the news, assembled all the troops there, and started the attack on the water country.

This time, the two countries dealt with one country, and there were Feng Qianyu and several people on Mu country's side, and the water country's resistance was equal to zero.

Half a year later, Feng Qianyu led the Mu Kingdom to approach the capital of the Water Kingdom, then swallowed the Water Kingdom, and turned to attack the Earth Kingdom. The Earth Kingdom was flanked by the Fire Kingdom and the Wood Kingdom. It didn't last long, just like the Water Kingdom and the Thunder Kingdom. perished.

Except for killing the royal family members, Feng Qianyu and Huo Lie didn't kill the others, but exiled them.

Of the five countries, only the Fire Country and the Wood Country remained.

Just when the people of the two countries thought they were going to war, the ongoing war stopped.

Feng Qianyu did not give the order to attack the Fire Nation, and the Fire Nation did not give the order to attack the Mu Nation.

Like a wordless agreement, no one violated anyone.

Five years later.

In the imperial study room, Feng Qianyu looked at the three men sitting on the side, and became angry, throwing a ball of paper to them.

"Will you die if you help me?"

Five years ago, although the Kingdom of Water, the Kingdom of Lei, and the Kingdom of Tu were swallowed up, because of this, the people of the Mu Kingdom mixed with so many outsiders, and wanted them to live in peace, Feng Qianyu spent a lot of thought on this .

In some places, the land was barren and there was no water source, so Feng Qianyu tried to open channels to divert water.

There are even foreigners making troubles, and Feng Qianyu will send someone to deal with them.

In the past five years, it was basically when Feng Qianyu was the most tired, her parents didn't know where they went, and there was no one in sight.

(End of this chapter)

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