Heaven is the Phoenix

Chapter 189 The Sickle of the Silver Moon

Chapter 189 The Sickle of the Silver Moon (Add more)
Di Yexuan didn't speak, just turned around, and Bailian's purple sword passed him by. Looking at Feng Qianyu who was besieged, Di Yexuan's eyes darkened, and the silver sickle with bloody demonic energy appeared in his hand !

As soon as the sickle was released, a huge demonic energy would float out, suppressing everyone!

Even Sheng Rao, who was in retreat, sensed this powerful magic energy, but couldn't get out!
Seeing Di Yexuan's weapon, Bai Lian was shocked!

The Sickle of the Silver Moon!

Why did the weapon of the demon god of the demon world appear in Di Yexuan's hands!

The Spirit of Darkness and the Scythe of the Silver Moon are things that can only be possessed by demon gods. Shenhuang is not a demon god. Di Yexuan, are you Shenhuang or a demon god?

Bai Lian couldn't figure it out now, what went wrong?
Di Yexuan flew up and stood in mid-air, his black robe fluttering in the wind, three thousand blue hairs slowly turned silver under the moonlight, and his black eyes also turned into strange and beautiful purple eyes!

The fire lotus is in full bloom at your feet!
Like a devil coming!
Such Di Yexuan was rarely seen by Feng Qianyu and the others!
Seeing Di Yexuan like this, Moon Demon finally understands why people in the ten directions say that the Emperor of the Demon Realm is the strongest among the new generation of kings!

Di Yexuan's calm purple eyes looked at those men in black and the monsters in the air. With a wave of the silver moon sickle in his hand, a huge blood-red halo attacked those monsters!

Seeing this, the ferret shrunk and jumped into Feng Ya's embrace, so dangerous, almost!

And the monsters of Ye Xuanyu and Shui Luochen returned to the master's space when Di Yexuan took out the Silver Moon Scythe!

Jinglei and Qiye naturally also ran away!

Therefore, in the attack on the monsters, all the monsters of the man in black were injured. After being attacked by Di Yexuan, these monsters would be half dead if they were not dead!

The rest, Jinglei, Qiye, and Shui Luochen, who had just escaped, just came out to clean them up again!

The Nether Blue Wolf of the Moon Demon also suffered a slight injury!
Di Yexuan didn't launch a large-scale attack either, because the people below included not only the man in black, but also Feng Qianyu and the others!

The sickle of the silver moon pointed at Bailian, and the cold words resounded in the sky!

Di Yexuan looked at Bailian indifferently, and opened his thin lips lightly, "Bailian, you should die!"

Bai Lian heard the words and said with a smile, "I'm afraid it's not so easy for the emperor to kill me, Mingyou, are you still planning to come out?"

After Bailian finished speaking, Mingyou also came out from the dark place, still in the same white clothes, still with the same pair of red eyes, but with such an impatient expression!
Looking at Di Yexuan in mid-air, Mingyou stretched out her hand, a token appeared in her hand, bit her index finger, and a few drops of bright red blood dripped onto the token. The next moment, a gate appeared on the sky, and the gate On the other side, an unclear black shadow floated out!
Go towards Hong Yao and the others!

After Mingyou collected the token, she flew up and attacked Di Yexuan with Bailian!

Suddenly, Feng Qianyu, who was constantly besieged by men in black, suddenly felt a turmoil in the space, but didn't pay attention, kicked the man in black in front of him away, and killed Xue Xue flipping into another person's body, and the rioting spiritual power also attacked others!
Hong Yao looked at Feng Ya's position from time to time, seeing that she was fine, the sword in her hand was finally out of its sheath!
The blood-red sword with fierce sword energy attacked the surrounding men in black and the ghosts floating in mid-air!

(End of this chapter)

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