Heaven is the Phoenix

Chapter 225 Going to Canglan Continent

Chapter 225 Going to Canglan Continent

As soon as Mu Shang and Sheng Ruo entered, they felt a low-pressure atmosphere!
The two were brought to the hall by the servant, and after telling Yunchen that they were Feng Qianyu's friends, Yunchen took them to Feng Qianyu's room again!

In the Water Pavilion, Di Yexuan stood by Feng Qianyu's side every step of the way, Yue Feng, Yun Qing, Mrs. Yun and Yun Ting were already there!

"Since I was caught by Feng Xiao, I have lost contact with the Moon Clan. If I want to find them, I'm afraid I have to go to Piaomiao Peak, but I may not be able to find them!" Yue Feng sighed softly, his eyes were full of distress, and he His daughter was seriously injured, but he, the father, could do nothing!
The whereabouts of the Moon Clan have always been uncertain, but Piaomiao Peak is the clan point of the Moon Clan, but I don't know if it has been changed!
After all, when he was captured by Feng Xiao, the Moon Clan did not have the strength to resist Feng Xiao as the prime minister. At that time, the witches of the Moon Clan could not retreat, and the clansmen would definitely choose to avoid them. Therefore, he is not sure that the Moon Clan Are you still at Piaomiao Peak?
Mu Shang and Sheng Ruo heard these words as soon as they entered, frowned and walked over!
Sheng Ruo didn't see Feng Qianyu all night, so he was concerned about her condition, looked at Di Yexuan, and shouted softly, "Brother Yexuan, since there is someone somewhere who can save Sister Qianyu, let's go find it!"

Yun Qing originally wanted to ask who they were, but she gave up when she heard her calling Di Yexuan, and they should be Yu'er's friends!
Xue Ying on the side also spoke, "As long as there is a chance to save mother, I will go find it!"

The whole room was silent. Suddenly, Di Yexuan bent over and carefully hugged Feng Qianyu, "I'll take Qianyu to find the Moon Clan people!"

Hearing this, Yuefeng said, "I'll go with you. After all, I'm a member of the Moon Clan. It's better for me to find them and save Qianyu. After all, the power of our Moon Clan witches to restore their hearts is not the witches' original power." There are!"

Yuefeng used to be the patriarch of the Moon Clan, so he knew very well that the healing power of the witches of their clan was not born with it, but borrowed the power of a five-color gem!

What's more, before he became a member of the clan, the witch in the clan was his aunt, and she would not help her if she was not a member of the clan, let alone repair it!

Of course Di Yexuan also knew what Yuefeng said was right, so he nodded immediately!
Needless to say, Xueying is going there naturally. Seeing this, Shengruo stepped forward and said, "Brother Yexuan, I will go with you. I am a woman. Sister Qianyu is unconscious now. I can take care of her better." , although there are women in the place we are going to, but Brother Yexuan, if you entrust Sister Qianyu to them to take care of them, I am afraid you will not trust me, after all, we have known each other for so long!"

Sheng Ruo finished speaking in one breath, looking at Di Yexuan with big eyes, waiting for his answer!

Di Yexuan lowered his head, looked at her, pursed his lips, and thought about her words. Indeed, if Sheng Ruo took care of Qian Yu, he would be more at ease. What's more, Sheng Ruo's spiritual power is not bad, enough to protect Qian Yu. Thinking of this, Di Yexuan nodded, agreeing!
It was related to Feng Qianyu, how could Mu Shang not go, after the decision was made, the few of them went to Canglan Continent without any stay!

Not long after they left, Mingyou also followed!

In the abyss, Wuhen was sitting on a flat rock, and her mind was filled with images of her eyes closed!
There was a wry smile on the corner of his lips, he stretched out his hand, put the wine jar in his hand to his lips, and took another big sip!
(End of this chapter)

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