Heaven is the Phoenix

Chapter 364: Di Yexuan's Chapter Memory 2

Chapter 364: Di Yexuan's Memories 2
"Aren't you going to hunt sea monsters?" He stood up, and the silver thread was blown by the wind, drawing an arc.

She looked at his back, her eyes flickered, and she said, "The last time I came here was not to hunt sea monsters."

Hearing this, he turned and looked at her with doubts in his eyes, "Then what are you here for?"

The woman in the memory smiled and said, "The king of gods said that there is a master in Tianhai, so I came to have a look, but I think you are more like a demon."

He laughed, "Since you have seen it, don't come to Tianhai in the future, I will kill you."

I don't know why, but my heart was a little dull, so I went to Tianhai and jumped directly into Tianhai.

The sea monsters in Tianhai will not hurt him this day, so he can stay in Tianhai unscrupulously.


Before he jumped down, he heard her calling him. He thought she would leave, but he saw her jumping down.

She knew that with her strength, the monsters in Tianhai would not do anything to her, and he also secretly warned these monsters.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that she couldn't swim, and her body kept sinking.

Finally, his worry overwhelmed his rationality, he quickly went up to catch her sinking body, took a chain from his hand and put it on her, and then carried her upstream again.

It wasn't until he came out of Tianhai that he used his spiritual power to force out all the water she had sucked in.

Who knew that the first thing she saw when she woke up and saw him was, "Shen Huang, so you can swim."

At that time, he didn't know what he was thinking, he just said indifferently, "Idiot." Then he disappeared.

But when he reappeared with the food, she was no longer there, only the words carved with spiritual power.

"Thank you for saving me."

Simple six words, no other news.

He laughed at himself, threw the food in his hands to Tianhai, and sat there quietly, waiting for her to come again.

Since she said that he is her opponent, he will definitely appear again.

One day, two days, three days... .

She didn't come to Tianhai until one month.

He finally didn't wait any longer, he felt that even if he waited like this, she wouldn't show up again.

However, just as he was about to leave, a snake appeared, and the person on the back of the snake was the person he had been waiting for.

It's just that the man was unconscious and obviously seriously injured.

"Who are you?" He hugged the person off its back and asked indifferently.

Seeing her hurt so badly, for some reason, there was a wave of anger in his heart.

Under his gaze, the snake turned into a human form, just a child with red eyes, looked at him and said, "Mother was besieged by white bears there when she was on the top of the snow mountain and was seriously injured, but before she fell into a coma He said he wanted me to bring her to Tianhai."

Seriously injured by a white bear?
Well, at that time he believed his nonsense because he was too worried.

He carried her unconscious to the small courtyard where he usually lived, and healed her.

There were many wounds on her back, and he had to take off her clothes in order to repair them with his spiritual power.

It's just that he never expected that she, who is called the goddess of creation by the world, would actually pretend to be injured, and then wake up and say that he is responsible.

At that time, he didn't say anything except speechless.

And since then, she has stayed by his side with just reasons.

(End of this chapter)

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