Heaven is the Phoenix

Chapter 758 Underground

Chapter 758 Underground

Although Yuan Yu's control power is not strong, but, your sister, that room is a treasure!
Feng Qianyu pulled out the red silk from the space, and while Yuan Yu was dealing with the nightmare, Hong Ling took advantage of the situation to wrap around his hand, and with a pull, Yuan Yu was tightly wrapped around Feng Qianyu's red silk .

At the same time, Yan Yan's cold eyes flashed, and a powerful black magic energy appeared around him, and in the magic energy, something like a chain appeared.

Everyone thought it was just an illusion, but who knew that when Yan Yan stretched out his hand to hold it, the chain was pulled out from the black air by Yan Yan, and then with a wave, Yan Yan let go, and the magic chain was also tied to Yuan Yu's body.

Seeing this, Yuan Yu kept struggling, but the more he struggled, the tighter the magic chain became.

Immediately, Yuan Yu stopped struggling, looked at Yan Yan indifferently, and said, "Is it a demon, or a monster?"

"Is there a difference?" Yan Yan said with care like gold, "Tell me, where is the person?"

"Hmph." Yuan Yu turned his head stubbornly and said, "I won't tell you, he will die anyway, you can kill him if you want."

"Say it obediently, I can let you go." Di Qianchen took a step up, and he didn't intend to kill him, as long as he told him where the dean was, they would go to rescue them themselves, and they would leave when they found Yun Lanhua.

Yuan Yu was about to speak satirically, but when he turned his head and bumped into Di Qianchen's purple eyes, the sarcastic words stuck in his throat, and finally became a sentence, "How could it be purple eyes?"

Hearing this sentence, Feng Qianyu's first reaction was to frown, while Di Qianchen said, "Why, the purple eyes are strange?"

This man was puzzled, and the girl was also puzzled. Aren't his eyes good?

What's so strange?

"Of course it's strange." Yuan Yu said lightly, "That's, that's..."

"What is that?" Di Qianchen asked.

Yuan Yu's eyes flashed, and he said, "It's nothing, the courtyard you are looking for is right under your feet, if you have the ability to find it yourself."

"Underfoot?" Feng Qianyu murmured, "You mean underground?"

Yuan Yu is not talking at the moment, no matter how they ask him, he will not talk.

Just when everyone was not about to ask, a black lotus flower suddenly appeared in the hand of Yan Yan. The lotus contained extremely powerful power, which surprised Mu Mu and asked, "Yi Yan, what do you want to do?"

This guy is not going to kill this man, is he?

"I'm too lazy to look for it. If he doesn't say anything, it's fine to just destroy this place, and then I can download it directly."

Everyone: "..."

Who promised Qian Chen not to move the tombstone just now?

Now he is going to destroy the entire cemetery...

"Don't you dare." Yuan Yu shouted loudly when she saw that Yan Yan was telling the truth.

"Try it." Yan Yan smiled under Yuan Yu's angry eyes, and raised his hand to let the lotus fly out.

Seeing that Yanyan's lotus was about to fly out, Yuan Yu finally compromised and shouted helplessly, "I said, don't do anything."

The enemies coming this time are too powerful, we can only kill them by leading them underground first...

"I wish it had been like this earlier." Mu Mu took a few steps forward and asked, "Where is the entrance?"

Yuan Yu gave her a vicious look, and said angrily, "There is a hole on the edge of the cliff, just go down through the hole."

"That's it." Mu Mu thoughtfully, looked at Yuan Yu, and said casually, "If you lie to us, I will kick you off the cliff."

(End of this chapter)

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