Heaven is the Phoenix

Chapter 770 Di Yexuan and Dichen Do It

Chapter 770 Di Yexuan and Di Qianchen Do It

Di Yexuan pursed his lips, didn't speak, just looked at the two of them silently.

Seeing this, Mo Yao felt something was wrong, so he asked, "Ye Xuan, do you know who I am?"

Di Yexuan looked at Mo Yao, was silent for a while, shook his head and said, "I don't know you."

Di Qianchen and Mo Yao were completely dumbfounded when they heard the words. It is impossible for everyone to forget how the pill has side effects. There must be something in it?
At this moment, Chongyue Wangyou walked over from the side, and when he saw Di Yexuan in midair, he smiled slightly and said, "You're awake!"

That smile was so gentle that water dripped out, making Di Qianchen feel like vomiting just looking at it.

Di Yexuan frowned, although he didn't like it, but for some reason, his eyes always stayed on her.

Walking towards Chongyue Wangyou step by step, the red lotus under his feet was in full swing, like flames in this dark night.

When he was in front of Chongyue Wangyou, Di Yexuan stretched out his hand to hold her chin, and asked with inquiry in his purple eyes, "Who are you?"

Just now Di Yexuan was in the sky, Chongyue Wangyou didn't see clearly, this time face to face, seeing Di Yexuan's eyes are purple, Chongyue Wangyou was very happy, said with a smile, "My name is Wangyou."

Originally, such a voice was nothing to Di Yexuan, but after eating the Wangyouhua that was inspired by Chongyue Wangyou's blood, Di Yexuan's heart was restrained.

He let go of his hand for a moment, looked at Di Qianchen and Mo Yao with a frown, and didn't know what to say. The child in front of him had a pair of purple eyes similar to his. Could it really be his child?

"Are you hungry, I made something to eat, let's go eat." Seeing that he had been looking at Di Qianchen, Chongyue Wangyou said.

Di Yexuan nodded upon hearing this, and prepared to leave with Chongyue Wangyou.

"Wait." Di Qianchen moved in front of Di Yexuan, looked at Chongyue Wangyou with cold eyes, and said indifferently, "You did it?"

There will be no problem with my mother's elixir, even if there is a problem, it will not be so serious, it must be this woman who has done something wrong.

Chongyue Wangyou heard the words, and smiled calmly, "I don't know what you are talking about?"

Anyway, the antidote for that flower is gone, it should have fallen, but the flower has been destroyed by her, and there will be no more fruit, and no matter how powerful Ye Xuan is, it is impossible to break through the prohibition of Wangyouhua, With blood as a guide, Yexuan is hers from now on.

"You don't know?" Di Qianchen sneered, a golden light appeared in his hand, and he raised his hand to hit Chongyue Wangyou.

Seeing that the strength was about to hurt Chongyue Wangyou, he was stopped by Di Yexuan at the side.

"Don't touch her." The four simple words made Di Qianchen's eyes widen.

The spiritual power in his hand increased instead of diminishing, and he looked at Di Yexuan's face and said, "I don't care what's wrong with you, get out of the way."

He must teach this woman a lesson today.

Di Yexuan frowned, and suddenly increased his strength and hit Di Qianchen's body. He had obtained the power of Xue Ji himself. Yan Yan once said that after this power is fused, his power will even exceed Jing Fei.

The current Di Qianchen was no match for him at all, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth when Di Yexuan's spiritual power was greatly increased.

Seeing this, Chongyue Wangyou smiled even more happily.

So what about the son, he still can't remember it. It's quite interesting that the father and son turned against each other.

(End of this chapter)

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